Mag Def? Best way to treat Pics


Well-Known Member
Ok im pretty sure i have this narrowed down to a Magnesium deficency. Im growing organic, in soil. 3 seperate strains. Sorry about the hps light, i did my best trying to get good pictures. Im pretty sure its mag since i didnt add any lime or epson salt to my soil and have used very little calmag so far, like 5mg/gal one time. Last watering i added 5ml/gal of calmag from GH and 5ml/gal GH vegan plant booster. Otherwise it is ussually just RO water and a little mollases, unless i make an AACT(EWC, alfalfa, mollases and 24hrs) and i have watered once using neptunes harvest, and only been watering about every 5 or 6 days. I have calmag, epson salts. Should i water with just epsom? or the calmag? should i foliar epsom salts? should i feed along with the epsom salts?mg 001.jpgMiddle leaf shows red vein, wierd growth. This plant has the most red veining, has just started to enter the leaf veins but not the main plant 002.jpgYellowing between veins on new growthmg 003.jpgLeaves have some dead spotsmg 004.jpgMore yellowing between veins and leaf tips curlingmg 005.jpgMore leaf damage.


Well-Known Member
(Mg) def to me is yellow veins on a yellow / ing leaf, of which you have , easiest way to cure this is foilar spray,

A tip in the future when you're taking pictures of the plant get a picture of the whole plant I can't judge it by a couple of leaves. Secondly it's impossible to accurately diagnose what is happening if you don't tell us what you've been feeding it what are the environmental conditions as well as strain and media used. If you need help diagnosing it message me some more info.


Well-Known Member
Ok, does it matter what time I do this foliar spray, lights on off? Some other info, I'm in week 3 of flower and growth has really slowed since the def has shown. Also tested the soil ph and came out 6.5. Should I only do the foliar? Or should I top dress the soil? And should I use the calmag from here on out or should I use epsom salts or both?


Well-Known Member
I've been underfeeding my plants for a while now and experienced mag deficiency which completely stunted growth for days. As well as phosphorus deficiency. The brand of nutes i bought were useless with P and Mg and caused cloudy water after a while so it's probably not 100% synth.

I mixed up a teaspoon of epsom salts in a gallon of hot water and sprayed under the leaves once a day before the light turned off. Took a few days to recover.


Also correct your problem at the root zone if you have cal mag.


Well-Known Member
I listed everything I have used on it in the first post, I can give you exact watering dates and what was used. Strains are delicious seeds cotton candy, seedism taste bud and an unknown seedism ufo. Two plants are in big planter, unknown exact size, aprox 10gal, the other is in a 4 gal trash can. Temps are between 65 and 75. Humidity is low, about 20%, I run a humidifier 24/7 in the room that the air draws from and is between 30 and 40%. I have 2 fans running within the room, one above, one below the canopy. 450cfm can fan, air cooled 400w hps and carbon scrubber. Added a 6500k 85w cfl for a little extra light.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, ill rep u all when I get home. So epsom salts foliar the next few nights and ill hit em with calmag from here on out. Thanks again, I'm always hesitant to take action, I don't want to overreact and make a bad thing worse. Oh yea I forgot to add, old fan leaves have been falling off the one with red stems and the leaves are still mostly green.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully not, I looked thoroughly with a jewelers lens for pests and couldn't find any. The necrosis, or is it clorosis? on the leaves just gets dry and dies but mostly stays green.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Yep it looks like mag def, I'd keep it simple and mix a teaspoon of Epsom salts into a 2 litre bottle of water and water that into your plants, repeat every three weeks right through the grow, works every time


Well-Known Member
Wanted to give an update. Last 3 nights before lights out, I used epsom salt foliar spray, and yesterday was a watering day, so a full dose of neptune harvest fish and kelp 1 tbl per gal and 5ml calmag per gal. The foliar spray has stopped any spread of the deficiency and leaves that were getting droopy have perked back up. Can't tell if yellowing is getting any greener but it isn't getting more yellow and I can see growth over the last 3 days. Overall plants look very healthy, I think I caught this just in time bef ore it could cause any real damage. Oh and no more leaves have fallen off thank you imaginary man in the clouds.