Low outdoor temps


Active Member
I live in the Midwest and the night time temp is getting pretty low(<50).
My plants are still a couple of weeks away from harvest; will the low night time temps have an adverse effect on the plants? Is there anything I can/should do to prevent my two mistresses from parishing in the tundra?


Active Member
No they are in the ground and I would imagine that there is quite a root system. I have a 6' fence in the back yard and I have had to trim the top of the girls every couple of days for the last 6 weeks due to the fact that they were exceeding the top of the fence.
I understand that it is imperative to harvest prior to freezing; however, what are the ramifications if the plants are exposed to upper 30's and 40's at night but reaching 60's during the day.


Well-Known Member
as long as it does not freeze, there should be nothing to worry about...i am more worried about bud rot right now as the humidty is high and sunlight is less direct on my plants now.....also midwester here



Active Member
Getting cold up here in Canada-land too. There was some snow on the ground where I am this morning.

Makes me wanna cuddle up by the fire and smoke my pipe :-o


Well-Known Member
Snow on the ground!? Jeez, you're up there, I too am quite anxious about temperatures, been dipping the lowest to 45° but usually low 50's at night and mine looks great also, no damage whatsoever, I am only two weeks into flowering and my cut-off date is max Nov 7, seems the buds are not growing as fast as I'd like them to... 65/70° during the day with less sun light (sun is angling off) may be slowing down the growth process, I think I'll get tighter, smaller buds with a decreased yield but potency should be ok??? I hope!!


Well-Known Member
fighting the same thing here, did ya catch the thread where his plants were only getting 2 1/2 hours of direct sun at flowering????:weed: makes me hopeful



Well-Known Member
I live in the mountains in Norcal and it's been into the 40's a few nights now (no 30's yet). You shouldn't have any worries, as long as it doesn't get cold enough to frost! If it does call for frost in the forecast, then you can hang something like a sheet over them and the frost won't form on the buds. One added bonus of large swings between day and night temps with some strains-purple buds! Some will get purple highlights, and some will downright go straight purps. GL and good harvest.

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
here's a plant that has been hit with 3 frosts(each time there was ice on my truck) i think the temps were around 35F each frost. This is not a purple strain just frost damage. It will stunt the plants and make them grow slower but won't kill them unless its really cold.



Well-Known Member
That's fine if you've already got big fatass buds to keep an eye on but what if you've still got five weeks to go!? I'm hoping for an Indian Summer!! Hoping... Praying... please... Maybe I'm exagerating but next year I'm growing a different strain, when I was in Illinois I always had fat buds by late Sept, plus the climate here in Lombardy, Italy sucks, really humid, too much humidity clogs pores on leaves and reduces CO2 absortion damnit, Now if I were in Sicily it'd be a whole other story...


Active Member
I'm in New England, no frost yet but nights are getting cold 38-50 ... and they still look healthy ... I have 4 plus weeks to go and plan on covering my two girls when the frost hits and hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
40 degree nights are perfect, dont let them freeze. They can take a night or two of 30/29 degrees, but 28 or lower will kill em. your buds will wilt like frozen lettice and you will have a total loss.


Well-Known Member
I am in indiana as well and yes in starting to get chilly but the farmer almac? That the fist frost for the area I am in oct 22 the fist frost for that other gut from indian. But you should be fine! If they are easy to get to then maybe a sheat at night will help alot what part of ind are you from? Good luck..


Well-Known Member
here's a plant that has been hit with 3 frosts(each time there was ice on my truck) i think the temps were around 35F each frost. This is not a purple strain just frost damage. It will stunt the plants and make them grow slower but won't kill them unless its really cold.
yea, i was just guna pull out the "stop worrying" card, 10 of my plants were frosted prighty hard to.
unless they dont get a chance to dry off duering the day they should be good, if the buds stay to wet they will start to budrot.
my plants stayed out for close to a week in -C weather, and then it rained for one day and they coulden't dry off, bud rot started to set in and i harvested.

dont worry unless there staying wet all day. then you have problems.

Edit: dont listen to golden, the frost up here in canada (2" ground frost, not just a surface frost) coulden't kill my plants. they lasted through weather all the way to -5C (23F). only when they got wet did they die.
in heavily humid areas it is possible that the moisture in the air would be enough to start the bud rot process.

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
Yerppp! what it do doggy? lol... I'm in the Northeast, US.. I have (had) 6 plants and I just harvested one last night! Perfect timing ;] As for the rest.. They have a few weeks.. My first frost date is estimated around October 23rd.. I hope they can make it by then!

I had to move my girls for a little bit (for reasons other than weather) and there wasn't much sunlight where they were. That mixed with the humidity and on and off rain, I had bud rot! Which sucks.. but everything is goin ok now. But there is a few days of shitty weather comin my way, I hope they don't rot!!


Well-Known Member
here's a plant that has been hit with 3 frosts(each time there was ice on my truck) i think the temps were around 35F each frost. This is not a purple strain just frost damage. It will stunt the plants and make them grow slower but won't kill them unless its really cold.
Nice thread guys, thanks. And thanks for posting your pic grizzly, that bud looks in fine shape following those frosts. I'm in my first grow, including four Cinammon (95% Sativa cross developed for the Mediterranean) in the UK LOL. They are monstrous with masses of flowers but only started flowering this last couple of weeks. They will need eight more weeks minimum, but frosts arrive in four or five. I've been pretty concerned, but I do have the option of putting them in the garage at night. Just hope it doesn't get too cold. Anyway, this thread has made me relax - now I don't feel all is necessary lost ;)