Longer vegetation vs shorter vegetation


Active Member
So i have decided to start my own grow room for the 1st time. I have decided to create a separate vegetation room and flowering room, which i will grow 10 plants in under a 1000W MH lamp for vegetation and a 1000W HPS lamp for flowering.

The question i have is for maximum yields how long should i keep the plant in the vegetative room? I am growing big bud and am looking for 400g per plant if possible (just under 1 pound).

Also is a single 1000W lamp enough to grow 10 plants to maximum yield? I was thinking of using a 600W lamp but decided it would be to small.

Please note i only have 9 foot of ceiling height.
Thanks :mrgreen:


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hi ire...

14 ounces per plant would be some sort of world record with only 1, 1000 watt HID...

After about 2 months of vegging.. a healthy fast growing plant under an HID will start to get UNRULY.... when it flowers it will double+ in size.. it will require liots of nuture and training and tying and staking...

If you got 4 1000's and vegged for 30 days... you could probably get 4-8 ounces per plant... depending on strain and health conditions and environment your plants are in....

8 ounces dangling from a plant is a lot of WORK...



Active Member
Ok thanks for this so would it be possible10 plants under 1 1000W lamp in the veg stage for 2 months will yield 4-8 ounces. With the flowing stage also being 2 months.
This figure is still appealing as 2 months veg is less than i planned out for.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I don;t think 8 ounces per plant is possible with 1, 1000 watt bulb over 10 plants...

and 4 ounces would be incredible!!!

that would be 40 ounces from ONE 1000 watt bulb... that is over 2lbs...

possible.. but not likely..



Active Member
Thank you that has been very helpful :mrgreen:

I think i may add 2 1000W lamps for a greater yield over a period of 2 months in veg and 2 months in flowering.

Do you think i need 2 1000W lamps for both flowering and veg or will i get away with having 2 1000W lamp with veg and 1 1000W lamp for flowering?


Well-Known Member
I doubt you will yield that much per plant. Usually its hard to get over 1 gram per watt total and with 10 plants that would be 100 grams per plant Maybe 15-20 plants yielding 2-3 ounces is a little more realistic but even that would be difficult. Veg until your plant is 1-3 feet tall depending on the strain. If its a sativa you should start flowering while its shorter because it will stretch more, if its an indica you can let it veg longer because it wont stretch quite as much. After a few grows you will find a balance and you will do much better. GOOD LUCK!!


Active Member
Thank you :D
This really helps me alot in deciding whether to grow few bigger pnts with a higher yield or alot of smaller plants with less yield.
For my 1st grow i think i will stick to 10 or less plants and see what the results are.
Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
That would be the way to go.
Everyone will have different results so experimenting and fine tuning your setup over a few grows and you will soon know exactly what you can do with what you have.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
That would be the way to go.
Everyone will have different results so experimenting and fine tuning your setup over a few grows and you will soon know exactly what you can do with what you have.
Good Luck.

Hey few people were able to yield 4.5 pounds from 3 plants plants under 4 600 watt HPS lights.
https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/145340-jungle-our-3-very-big-2.html heres one guy

Another guy was able to get 14 oz from 1 plant with 2 150watt HPS

Just veg 5-6 weeks.
Flower for 9 weeks.

I suggest you get 3 600watthps its better than 2 1000watt for 10 plants.


Well-Known Member
I agree 3 600s would be much better you can find the digital dual light compatible with reflector for arround200$ American you should check out M Blaze 's grows he's the one talked about in the4.5 PBS on 3 plants a 4 600 watter hps. I am starting a similar grow to his a 6 girls and3 600 watt lights running all the same stuff minus his brand of coco


I would go the 600w route. Ive got a 400 closet grow with 5 plant. 2 purple crack and 3 og kush. The problem I have is the indicas stay low but my sativas stretch like hell so your veg time varies on strain. After awhile of a few harvest you'll know when it's time. I usually do around a foot and a half. I have to put a booster or mini stool under my indicas so that the light doesnt get to far when i move it up for the sativa.It's really all about your space 1000 watt bulbs get hot as hell. The room could easially get in the hundreds and fry those ladies.Good luck, be safe, stay ninja.

(edit) wow didn't realize how old this post was! Oh well hope you got what you wanted.