Living With A Bipolar Person


Well-Known Member
After I got kicked out of my dorm at school I've been in living in a three bedroom condo with my uncle, who is bipolar. He doesn't take his meds (Depakote) and all he does is lay in his room with the lights off and the tv on either reading, playing Call of Duty on the computer, drinking, or sleeping. The only time he comes out is to get food, cigs, and alcohol. He didn't pay the power bill last week, he hasn't paid for car insurance so I can't drive his car anywhere, dpoesn't feed his dog or our two cats, doesn't go grocery shopping, and he just stays locked up in his room all day.

It's really depressing and now it's making me be kind of depressed just being around it. I need to get out of here but I can't drive the car anymore and most of my friends all live downtown and go to school there so they don't have cars.

Anyway, what would yall do?


Well-Known Member
Sure do see a lot of these types of threads. The answer is always the same.

Get a job, get your own place, quit bitching about someone that was at least nice enough to give you a place to stay.


Well-Known Member
After I got kicked out of my dorm at school I've been in living in a three bedroom condo with my uncle, who is bipolar. He doesn't take his meds (Depakote) and all he does is lay in his room with the lights off and the tv on either reading, playing Call of Duty on the computer, drinking, or sleeping. The only time he comes out is to get food, cigs, and alcohol. He didn't pay the power bill last week, he hasn't paid for car insurance so I can't drive his car anywhere, dpoesn't feed his dog or our two cats, doesn't go grocery shopping, and he just stays locked up in his room all day.

It's really depressing and now it's making me be kind of depressed just being around it. I need to get out of here but I can't drive the car anymore and most of my friends all live downtown and go to school there so they don't have cars.

Anyway, what would yall do?
Go back to school for starters, that was your resource center you got kicked out of for drinking. Enroll in classes, work hard, get good grades...find a Summer job in May or whenever classes finish.

Plenty of people have succeeded in life under worse circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Sure do see a lot of these types of threads. The answer is always the same.

Get a job, get your own place, quit bitching about someone that was at least nice enough give you a place to stay.
talk to him, give him a brownie to boost his mood. or just talk to him and boost your mood with a brownie and see what you can do to help. try to be someone who will just be there for him. give him a nudge in the right direction you feel in your heart. ye whey bless.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Bipolar disorder is a very finicky and often times dangerous mental illness. You don't want to fuck with his brain chemistry by adding cannabis to his system without knowing how he would react. No two people react the same way. Call a bipolar hotline. Explain the situation with a professional. Find out what you can do to help. Don't get dragged down with him. Not trying to sound harsh or anything but he is not your responsibility. He is an adult and makes his own decisions. The best thing you can do is talk to a professional and follow what they tell you.

I know from whence I speak. My mother is bipolar as is one brother. It's a tough illness and hard to treat.

edit: Depakote? That's all they have him on? That's an anti-seizure medication. He needs something like risperdal or wellbutrin or both.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i dont see the issue! the guy is playing video games, eating, getting drunk and cut out the out side world!!! My type of guy!!!!and he lets u stay at his house? im lost wtf is going on. tell the TRUTH....

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
After I got kicked out of my dorm at school I've been in living in a three bedroom condo with my uncle, who is bipolar. He doesn't take his meds (Depakote) and all he does is lay in his room with the lights off and the tv on either reading, playing Call of Duty on the computer, drinking, or sleeping. The only time he comes out is to get food, cigs, and alcohol. He didn't pay the power bill last week, he hasn't paid for car insurance so I can't drive his car anywhere, doesn't feed his dog or our two cats, doesn't go grocery shopping, and he just stays locked up in his room all day.
i dont see the issue! the guy is playing video games, eating, getting drunk and cut out the out side world!!! My type of guy!!!!and he lets u stay at his house? im lost wtf is going on. tell the TRUTH....
These are danger signs. Next comes suicidal ideation and then the suicide attempt.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
...those things you bolded out are signs that the person living there should help out more. (imo) :)
You're assuming. How do you know he isn't helping out? The animals are still alive. Someone is feeding them. Plus you don't know their living arrangement so it's kind of ridiculous to judge someone on a single paragraph.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
You're assuming. How do you know he isn't helping out? The animals are still alive. Someone is feeding them. Plus you don't know their living arrangement so it's kind of ridiculous to judge someone on a single paragraph.

...I'm judging by most, if not all of the OP's posts. :) As a person WITH bp, I also, 'get a say'.


Active Member
how old is he?i would just get him laid or something,but first you should say as your niece your very worried about his well being and you think he should get back on his meds.And if all that doesnt work than you just have to do your own thing..

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Yes you do. But this isn't about me or you. It's about his uncle and he's asking for help. Attacking him and placing blame isn't doing anyone any good.

...well, Carne, there was zero intent of attack. Go back and read other posts from other members, I was being rather diplomatic. I mean, if I had said something like "you little mofo, expletive, expletive...go get a job you lazy expletive" I could see your point.

Think about the words he's using to describe the situation! HE hasn't done 'this' - therefore I cannot do 'that'. This was my point.

...move on now? :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What does his getting a job have to do with helping his uncle who is apparently suffering? You seem to want to make this a pissing contest and I'm not going to subscribe to it. So, to the OP. Read what I posted, go with what you think is best. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I would ask him if he is happy cuz some other ppl were wondering him ( lie ), and u were wondering if anything is wrong.

If he is happy, and u can tell its genuine, then let him be, but remind him of all the hot chicks that are out there in the world, dropping hints all the time of the great life that exists outside of his bedroom.