little black gnat/fly type very annoying please help


Active Member

  • how do i kill them? they are not damaging the plants to my knowledge but im guessing the larva is eating the roots only way i think they are getting any sustenance so they might be anything to help kill the damn gnats please let me know im 2weeks into flower and everrything looks beautiful sept for the fucking gnat/flies soooooo annyoing when im inspectiong my plants please let me know all thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
Was the 'black dot' in your post symbolic of the gnat/fly, i'm just try to justify my spider drawing........................:bigjoint:


Active Member
Was the 'black dot' in your post symbolic of the gnat/fly, i'm just try to justify my spider drawing........................:bigjoint:
lol it was a copy and paste n the dot came along lol fuk this sucks soooo much those fucking fly/gnats are sooooooooooooo annnyooinggg!!!@@ :(


Well-Known Member
use some neem oil in your feed...emulsify it with a little dish soap, 1 teaspoon of neem per litre should do........or try an aspirin per 5 litres of water crushed and well mixed