lighting question

I have a question regarding lighting. TO start off ill tell you what i got. I have a grow cabinet which has lights in it that have been good for my plant. Where i live it has been hot. So the cabinet has been getting a lil warm. i am currently working on a vent system but untill then i have been having the lights on in the cabinet untill the sun comes up for the first third of the light cycle and then i leave them till there is no more sun and put them back in the cabinet with lights untill my girls have to go to sleep (when my lights go off). IS THIS BAD FOR MY PLANTS? CAN YOU TELL ME ANY INFORMATION PLEASE? My two plants look very healthy :smile:



Well-Known Member
If your plants are growing and looking happy why are you asking if you're doing something wrong? If they're healthy keep doing what you're doing man!
If your plants are growing and looking happy why are you asking if you're doing something wrong? If they're healthy keep doing what you're doing man!

they do look healthy but will going back and forth from artificial lighting to sun light cause stress and make my ladies hermi?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
There are no lights better than the sun. Going from indoor to outdoor can be a shock, especially on a daily basis. I got the idea that you are doing it all indoors. No worries!


Well-Known Member
All's good if the plants are happy. But i would guess you are in veg mode when this type of activity wont have much negative effect. The chance of this causing shock will dramatically increase when in flower mode. If you are in flower already and everything seems fine it could be the strain your growing is resilient to the shock but be extra vigilant for hermi signs.

Illegal Smile

You're putting them in a window? First, the light coming in a window is not as good as light actually outside. It will be at an abnormal angle and only be at the right angle for a brief time each day. Even though it looks like lots of sunlight coming in a window to your eyes, it might not be very adequate for a plant.

The grow box should have lighting that comes close enough to the quality of sunlight all the hours it is on that it is better than the window. So I think the short answer is: make the indoor growspace as correct as you can (it would have been much better to have gotten that done before you had a plant to worry about) as soon as you can.

By the way, if you can just sit plants in a window, why do you need a growbox to begin with?
Im not growing them near a window... I dont know where that came from but im not. and to up date my info on my plants... i have only done this about three time and im in my fourth week. my plant that is a lil bigger actually now has pistols. WHERE DID THIS COME FROM? it has a total of six pistols. two on three branches or nodes. could the sun have made my plant flower early. no joke there is pistols and its only in fourth week of VEG....whats wrong


Well-Known Member
My best guess would be you may have an auto flower strain, unless you know different. If they continue to develop I think you may need to put them on a 12/12 light schedual now, but I would check up on growing auto strains as Im far from 100% about it.


Well-Known Member
Be energy effecient and put the plants out side when it is warm and sunny but try to keep away from other plants has insect life will be past from plant to plant.Other than that just do what you are saying have the lights off during the warm part of the day with a fan on them.And have them on 18/6 through the night but try not to mess around with the lighting too much.