Lighting for a couple ladies in a tent. WHAT'S ADEQUATE?

Just a few questions that I can't seem to find the answers to while searching forums... plus I really don't wan't to sift thru a few thousand more forums.

Is a 150 watt HPS light sufficient to flower two plants in a 2x2x4 tent? If not whats the smallest wattage i can get away with? Any guess on electric bill spike? Also just how shitty would my medicine be if I were to flower with t5's for low energy cost? The girls will be in waterfarm buckets btw. and i've got a can filter with 4 in fan and ducting.

Thanks All!
Much LOVE!


Well-Known Member
nah adding 4x42 watts would be 168w add the 150hps that adds up to 318watts, it would be way way better to just plaace a 250w HPS in there, less power usage more bud
nah adding 4x42 watts would be 168w add the 150hps that adds up to 318watts, it would be way way better to just plaace a 250w HPS in there, less power usage more bud
do you think so? yes you are right about the power consumption but adding the cfls and placing them closer to the plant then the 250 could be would make the buds bigger.If this was the case people would not use supplement light..They would just use a bigger system dont you think?


Well-Known Member
not all people use supplemental lighting. i am not inventing the wheel, a 250w HPS gives more lumens than would the 318watts HPS cfl combination, more able to penetrate through a canopy. it would be ok if you already had a tall plant and need to give some extra light on the sides so you add couple CFL's but for him, best thing in his area is to get a 250w HPS, lower power consumption, use some cfl's for early vegging. i use fluros and CFL in veg chamber and cloning because i could cover a big area in low wattage, but in flower they need the light density of HPS.
not all people use supplemental lighting. i am not inventing the wheel, a 250w HPS gives more lumens than would the 318watts HPS cfl combination, more able to penetrate through a canopy. it would be ok if you already had a tall plant and need to give some extra light on the sides so you add couple CFL's but for him, best thing in his area is to get a 250w HPS, lower power consumption, use some cfl's for early vegging. i use fluros and CFL in veg chamber and cloning because i could cover a big area in low wattage, but in flower they need the light density of HPS.
Okay if you say so...


Well-Known Member
Don't forget ventilation. Factor in the cooling cost to any HID lamp. It'll get hot. Besides, power consumption with either set-up wouldn't be very much. You'll see a $10 difference on your bill, depending on where you are. That's about $20(give or take) to complete a flowering cycle. Your yield greatly out-weighs the cost of electricity.