Light CUT, cut the lights woodie man sandwich


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I heard that if you go lights out completely during flowering for 2+ weeks with certain strains that it increases resin production insanely? This interests me.. Can anyone tell me more? Could it be tried safely? This would save lots of power:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Exactly, I read it somewhere yesterday, but can't remember where! It talked about this technique, specifically pertaining to White Widow. If it works on WW, it should work on everything, but I need more info...


Well-Known Member
If you shut the lights off for 3 weeks the plants will die and not produce shit. My buddys power went out for 10 days, he had no means for a generator and too nosey of neighbors to put them out side , The plants DIED , DEAD DEAD DEAD