legal marijuana, whats the real deal ??


Well-Known Member
Ya im just curious any1 ever smoked those weird lookin legal buds. Looks like cloves or sumthin to me lol. Wont that shit kill u ????


Well-Known Member
youre going to get a bunch of people in here talking shit about them saying all legal bud is useless and doesnt get you high. its bullshit from people who either havnt tried any of it or have tried the commercial shit that doesnt do anything but give you a small body high. now i have experience with these and will tell you what i know. from what ive heard (ive never tried these but my friends have) most of the more advertised ones dont work. i.e. hawaiian haze and all that. now on the other hand there are things out there that work. Spice is one of the most popular of the legal smoke that work. you can get it on another one is xxx chillin. its hard to find now because it was so strong many of the websites quit selling it. i have smoked both of those and gotten retarded high. my friends back home smoke both on a very regular basis and get high off of it every day. alot of people will tell you not to smoke these and to smoke bud instead. they dont realize that not everyone can. my old high school hair drug tested me all 4 years. thats why my friends smoke these. That said they are not very good for you and i wouldnt recommend smoking them if you can get bud instead. also no the high isnt the same but its something.


Well-Known Member
well, from everything you just said, I think i'll pass.. I tried that fuckin salvia, and oh my fuckin god.. what third circle of hell did that shit crawl out of? I started sweating and then got real fuckin uncomfortable for about 5 minutes.. after that I felt like I was comming off mushrooms.. fuck that shit.. it makes you feel good for a minute.. but it's not my thing.. I would rather smoke herb


Well-Known Member
Salvia is fucking awesome! I turned into the actual wall. I looked down and all of a sudden I rose up off the bed and fused with the wall. I could feel the the wall pushing down on my body to hold me in place, and I couldn't stop laughing. It was great.

Second time not so good. I cried like a fucking baby. I saw a formation that made me sooo sad, and I couldn't help but to grieve. I would love to do it again.


Well-Known Member
ooh not me.. like you said, teh fist time was good, I turned into cheech from up in smoke when chong gave him teh acid.. I was freakin out and shit, all I could think was "oh fuck man, how long is this gonna last.. oh fuck.." and then it was like oh ok.. and i looked at my friend and was just laughing and said "'ey man... how long does this shit last man??".. but everytime after that was like oh hell no, get this shit off me...


Well-Known Member
well, from everything you just said, I think i'll pass.. I tried that fuckin salvia, and oh my fuckin god.. what third circle of hell did that shit crawl out of? I started sweating and then got real fuckin uncomfortable for about 5 minutes.. after that I felt like I was comming off mushrooms.. fuck that shit.. it makes you feel good for a minute.. but it's not my thing.. I would rather smoke herb

ive smoked salvia as well. it was something all my friends got into before they started smoking spice. it wasnt really my thing though. spice is a much more calmed down feeling. with salvia its like youre tripping but with spice its more like getting high. also spice lasts much much longer than salvia. it seems to last the same amount of time as weed if not longer


Well-Known Member
Salvia is fucking awesome! I turned into the actual wall. I looked down and all of a sudden I rose up off the bed and fused with the wall. I could feel the the wall pushing down on my body to hold me in place, and I couldn't stop laughing. It was great.

Second time not so good. I cried like a fucking baby. I saw a formation that made me sooo sad, and I couldn't help but to grieve. I would love to do it again.

Dude I think u just need a break from those padded white walls. LMAO ! Hey if I wanna trip Ill take a hit of acid and eat an ounce of potent Indian like shrooms. lol