LED grow progress 38 days flowering!!!


Active Member
Here it is, everything filling in nicely. I am pretty much done pruning, and around the first or second week of March, I will begin flushing. No raise in power bill, no real problems, and damn they are looking tastybongsmilie Good times, they are a coming!!! I just read a kick ass forum on what to look for with the pistols. Wait for them to turn back in to the body of the bud, well, thats what I think I will try this go round. I do have a microscope to check the trichromes, so I will compare before I decide to cut!


Looks good if you really want to get some light to the bottoms throw one 2700K cfl in between the two and you will see it grow within days (if this isn't some kind of experiment)


Active Member
Good advice, I have heard that before, but I am waiting on the temp to warm up where I am. I have to have something in there to keep the room warm. I probably will do that sometime next week. Thanks for the heads up.
next time put ur lights closer u dont want more then 1 inch between ur branchs ur just wasting alot of ur plant u could have tripled ur harvst leds are the way to go but the only probbem is ur missing the heat but with leds u can put them like 3 inchs away from the plant and they wont burn it and to help with getting it bushyer add some light around the sides or just make like a tinfoil dom over it but they look great good job


Active Member
Looken diggity! I am going to put some CFLs halfway down that I used on my last grow to spark those inner nodes, just to see what happens. Let me know right before you harvest. I am considering what strain to grow next, trying to find some good ones. Any advice???


Active Member
I have not smoke any of the Chrystals yet so I don't know how well they smoke, someone said it is fantastic to smoke on another thread. Growing wise they are reasonably easy to grow and clone (slightly harder than PPP I have but they do root eventually). The yield looks decent enough from here.