Leaves wilting on clones - Day 4


Thanks guys. I'm wondering if because the tray my humidity dome sits over had holes in the bottom of it I was losing moisture. I sealed it this morning and sprayed the dome. So far after about 4 hours it seems to be holding the moisture in. I think it looks like the leaves are straightening slightly as well but could be my imagination.

And I did graft the bottom of the cut and dipped in gel so at least I did something right :) I'll figure it out eventually but my main concern is the mother plant is in flowering right now and the further she goes the harder it is to clone.......from what I've heard others say anyway.


Active Member
if you dont have humidity built up in your dome your clones will wilt and die.
Depends on the environment and cut. I take my clones with scissors first, then make the angled cut with a razor on a node. The angle of the cut determines the amount of surface area that can absorb water. The right cut + 60% humidity +regular misting and you can go without domes.

I understand though, some people are away from their grows for a long time, or are in very arid environments making domes necessary. I just don't need them.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the environment and cut. I take my clones with scissors first, then make the angled cut with a razor on a node. The angle of the cut determines the amount of surface area that can absorb water. The right cut + 60% humidity +regular misting and you can go without domes.

I understand though, some people are away from their grows for a long time, or are in very arid environments making domes necessary. I just don't need them.
yeah I seen people do it that way. I wish I could do it that way take sum large cuttings. its hard to get anything with a couple nodes on it in that dome. do you use a razor for any particular reason? iv allways used my scissors. do you think a razor might be better.I got this one strain im having problems cloning. it takes damn near a month and alot dont even root. every other strain I have worked with rooted in 7 to 10 days. butit yields alot i was thinking about mayby trying one of those easy cloners on it.


Active Member
yeah I seen people do it that way. I wish I could do it that way take sum large cuttings. its hard to get anything with a couple nodes on it in that dome. do you use a razor for any particular reason? iv allways used my scissors. do you think a razor might be better.I got this one strain im having problems cloning. it takes damn near a month and alot dont even root. every other strain I have worked with rooted in 7 to 10 days. butit yields alot i was thinking about mayby trying one of those easy cloners on it.
I use a razor for a better cut... the longer the angle, the more surface area, the more water your clones can take up... in combination with regular misting and 60% relative humidity, eliminates the need for a humidity dome IME... :leaf:


Active Member
ive seen many clones root without the rockwool cube being PH'd for 24 hours...my friend got the rockwools straight from the package,soaked it in water then 45 cut the clone,dipped in CloneX gel and into the cube,then sprayed with anti-whilt. the clones were placed into domes and misted every so often,and most rooted


Well-Known Member
yes the holes would effect the humidity in the dome so the clones would droop because the dome wasnt doing the job, if youve got humidity inside your dome now then they should perk up within 24hrs probs less.


If I have a cup of water sitting in the humidity dome and condensation is still present do I need to worry about the rockwool becoming too dry? Is there ever a need to re-wet the rockwool?


Well-Known Member
Scissors pinch, you want a clean cut, not a squeeze/cut.
that makes sense. I will have to get use to doing it with a razor. mayby that would help with this stubern strain that i want to keep. it yields like crazy and it doesnt stratch. ever heard of it its called kryptonite. killer queen x the purps


Well-Known Member
just keep an eye on the cubes but you shouldnt have to add water very much if at all, remove the lid once aday for 10 mins to replace the air, you should start to see roots poking out the cube from 7-10 days, once you see roots there ready to be potted, good luck


Well-Known Member
that makes sense. I will have to get use to doing it with a razor. mayby that would help with this stubern strain that i want to keep. it yields like crazy and it doesnt stratch. ever heard of it its called kryptonite. killer queen x the purps
also once youve made the 45 degree cut with the razor scrape the bottom part of stem gently to remove the top layer, then dip in clonex and plant, gives the clone more places to root from! worked 99% for me.


Well-Known Member

the 2nd and 3rd pic are of the strain im trying to keep thats being stubern. the first one is the gdp that was replaced. it rooted 7 days everytime.


Well-Known Member
im thinking of getting a easy cloner. i take 100 to 150 clones at a time and never have a problem but just with this one strain out of 50 20 make it. and it takes forever.anyone ever seen a easy cloner at work?


Well-Known Member
OP, You didnt pH the rockwool cubes. Like I said, they are not gonna root. you better take more and start over now that you have all these tips.
I have taken cuttings from plants in flower at different stages, 1 week, 2 week, 3 weeks even four weeks into flower. They will all root, it just takes about the same amount of time, Like the cuttings I took at three weeks flower took three weeks to root.

Humidity is improtant yes, drenching your plants with water is not. Mist or spray the dome, not the plants.
You asked if a small cup of water will help, no. a flat tray of water will though, more surface area.

Good luck man.

Oh, and to sticky, yeah, ez cloners work well. They work faster with a timer, even a cheap one 30 on and 30 off will root faster the just 24/7.