Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**


Well-Known Member

I'm Having a few problems with my plant(s). They were doing great about a week ago now they seemed to be doing great. but lately they have been turning brown and feel really dry, but they aren't under watered so i dont know whats going on.

I have two plants that are doing this they are both around 3 weeks old.

If you need anymore info, let me know.

thanks for any help



Well-Known Member
hmm 3weeks old and it looks like the top of the second picture has bud forming... are u sure there that old.... from seed ????


Well-Known Member
looks like a deficiency..
but, i could be wrong..

& what are the temps outside?
looks a bit chilly in the pictures..
they are being grown outside? are they not?


Well-Known Member
They are from clones from the medical marijuana club, when i got them they were about 8 inches tall. I'm growing them in L.A, Ca so its not that cold maybe around high of 66 low of 50. And i have been feeding them only water, no nutes. I really have no idea whats up. Also in the first pic why is it kinda purple? i have another big one and the whole plant is purple its really odd.



Well-Known Member
what type of nutrients should i give them? like a 0-10-10? they are already flowering too, maybe 2-3 weeks into it


Well-Known Member
p, k and mg deficiency. also that soil is probably too acidic from that wood mulch which would lockout any nutes in the soil. feed with bloom fert and please test your ph water and runoff-looking for around 6.5-7. she is hungry. now.


Well-Known Member
p, k and mg deficiency. also that soil is probably too acidic from that wood mulch which would lockout any nutes in the soil. feed with bloom fert and please test your ph water and runoff-looking for around 6.5-7. she is hungry. now.
I tested the PH and it is exactly between 6.5-7. So should i give them a 0-10-10 fertilizer? What ratio would be best?


Well-Known Member
a plant can not feed unless the ph of the water is at 6 to 7 get a ph tester try that first. it looks like nute burn but your not feeding them anything. oh by the way plants will stop growing when the temp drops to 50 and below.


Well-Known Member
a plant can not feed unless the ph of the water is at 6 to 7 get a ph tester try that first. it looks like nute burn but your not feeding them anything. oh by the way plants will stop growing when the temp drops to 50 and below.
Crap actually i forgot, by accident i bought soil that had nutrients already added in, i know thats bad, could this be the source?


Well-Known Member
no that plant is deffinitly big enough to handle nutes, but are you adding nutes to the water and killing em with too much? that looks like its starting to develop a bud at the top, it looks like that bad girl could be brought back to full health. let us know what happs


Active Member
ooogdy booogdy mate i think your medium is tooo chunky you have too much bark in your soil rufff ruff!