Leaves Drying (pictures) Please Assist :)


Hi Everyone.

My plants are about 2 weeks old under the light and they are starting to show some minor drying of leaves.

I think it might be nute deficiency as I am growing in 100% Coco. Today I added a small amount of nutes to see how they respond.

What do you guys think? Is it nute deficiency or what? Or are they healthy?



Well-Known Member
yes good question on spraying to me they look like the could be over watered or over fed but be mindfull if you spray feed a plant at this stage of growth you may be over dosing plant looks to be at the most 3 nodes tall i dont introduce any nutes untill atleast 5 strong weeks of veg growth be carefull when feeding plants at young age i cant tell you how many problems i have had in the past with over feeding and caring for your plants.


yes good question on spraying to me they look like the could be over watered or over fed but be mindfull if you spray feed a plant at this stage of growth you may be over dosing plant looks to be at the most 3 nodes tall i dont introduce any nutes untill atleast 5 strong weeks of veg growth be carefull when feeding plants at young age i cant tell you how many problems i have had in the past with over feeding and caring for your plants.

Hey, thanks for replying guys.

I'm not sure if it was over feeding, I've increased the amount that I am watering them and they seem to be responding positively.

Also they are responding rather positively to the nutrients. I think the damage could be related to heat stress. Possibly also due to low humidity, I've added a glass of water in the tent will that help raise humidity?

Here's some pictures of them right now, as you can see the leaves are still bowing over but there is less drying (and bowing) than before.

I am growing in coco so I think I need to begin adding nutes so the ph can be lowered a bit, it's at 7.5 ATM which is not ideal and could be adding to the problems.

What do you guys reccon?



Well-Known Member
doesn't look over watered at all. or heat stressed for that matter. nute issue for sure


Well-Known Member
actually they seem to be getting better. did you add nutes in the beginning, this is a big no no. especially when the nutes are liquid form(instant nutes)


Well-Known Member
wait, you got two in one pot. wtf(excuse me) are you thinkin. no offense man, but if you want any kinda real plant, NEVER grow more than one per pot


doesn't look over watered at all. or heat stressed for that matter. nute issue for sure
What took you to that conclusion?

The edges are looking a little burnt huh. Which looks like nute burn, however, I am trying to lower the ph with the nutes so what can I do?

I back off the nutes my ph is too high I stay on the nutes and I get nute burn! What's worse?

I've got some ph adjuster on the way in the mail so the problem should sort itself out right?


wait, you got two in one pot. wtf(excuse me) are you thinkin. no offense man, but if you want any kinda real plant, NEVER grow more than one per pot

Ah yeah I do have two in one pot. Why can't I do this? I mean this is cool I can just transplant it. But just for interests sake why will this not make a real plant?


Well-Known Member
nute burn works from the inside of the leave out. you can tell your plant is getting better by the "green", not yellow spreading for the inner portion of the leave.. all my clone do this, except the ones i do really well. they get weak, and when they root(get stronger) the green spreads out.. if it is nute burn, the yellow spreads from the inner portion out. your plants seemed like they were really stressed and now they are adapting. you obviously gave them nutes when they were young.. most soil can support a plant nute wise for 3 weeks. 2 weeks atleast. this is when you add nutes. i understand your think that more is better, but with plants.. less is better because too much kills or hurts very quickly


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah I do have two in one pot. Why can't I do this? I mean this is cool I can just transplant it. But just for interests sake why will this not make a real plant?
the roots are already tangled, i assure you.. when these plants grow up, they will literally be fighting each other for dominance. one will die inevitably


the roots are already tangled, i assure you.. when these plants grow up, they will literally be fighting each other for dominance. one will die inevitably

Oh no! Death-match eh? Well I will have to transplant them tomorrow then. I was considering doing this anyway as I want to grow 2 more of the suckers.

Right ok, thanks for the great info on the nute burn and how it appears. Great stuff.


nute burn works from the inside of the leave out. you can tell your plant is getting better by the "green", not yellow spreading for the inner portion of the leave.. all my clone do this, except the ones i do really well. they get weak, and when they root(get stronger) the green spreads out.. if it is nute burn, the yellow spreads from the inner portion out. your plants seemed like they were really stressed and now they are adapting. you obviously gave them nutes when they were young.. most soil can support a plant nute wise for 3 weeks. 2 weeks atleast. this is when you add nutes. i understand your think that more is better, but with plants.. less is better because too much kills or hurts very quickly

BTW you're absolutely right about adding nutes when they were young. I was adding large amounts un-wittingly. Amazingly and thankfully they have lived. Gotta love weed! Thanks for your advice your a genius, one day, I hope to be like you in terms of your knowledge and generosity to share it.


Hey guys.

Here's some current pics of the girls. They seem to be exhibiting some droopy activity in the leaves. It seems like over watering from what I've read. Is this the correct assumption?

BTW I have intensionally been watering the girls quite hard since re-potting them, I had to cut trough quite a lot of roots so I wanted to make sure they are nice and nourished.

