Leaves Curling under help pls!


Hey, this is my first time growing so I am new to all this growing stuff. I am growing from seeds they are 2.5 weeks old and the leaves have been curling under and twisting for awhile now, I have 3 plants. A couple of the leaves on one plant are actually dried out and wilted and have some brown colouring on them. Just started putting a small amount of nuts in the water and I spray the leaves once a day with a light misting of the water/nuts. They are indoor grow. They have been on full light but just switched to 6 off 18 on a couple days ago to save on energy costs. If you can take a look at my pics and tell me if there's anything you notice or anything I can do to fix them? any suggestions? thanks!



Well-Known Member
There wanting nutes but i dont think thats the problem, did you dig the soil from outside?? Peace


Ya I used dirt from outside mixed with soil from my tomato plants. I had heard it was ok to use dirt from outside as long as you sterilize it first and I did. BUT anyways if thats the problem is there anything I can do to fix them or will they die? It seems like all the new leaves growing are doing well so far. Maybe from lack of nutes from the ground dirt could be why they are looking like that? now that I am giving them nutes maybe they will be ok? Next time I buy soil :oops: :dunce:
I have a bunch of seeds though got them from a friends clone plant. Still hoping these ones will still be ok though :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It wasnt the lack of nutes from the outside soil it was the lack of drainage and overwatering topsoils from outside give indoor growers which is why i was saying you need nutes but this wasnt your problem.

Advice- Read lots of threads where the OP did the same and try and instill some basics about indoor soil into your brain dude. You doing ok bro but you must realise that outdoor soil is generally not loose and free draining its heavy and clumps together.

What can you do, maybe go easy on the watering till plant has got some decent roots in the soil to help it drain the water, maybe a small light dose of ferts but most of all read up on soil and indoor grows, i add 40% perlite to some store bought multipurpose soil and it needs watering every 4 to 5 days, im guessing your soil stays wet for a lot longer especially deeper down where all the roots are.

Take advice on what to do from others with this grow but at least i could point out where things will be going wrong for you. Next grow i just know your gona show me a decent indoor soil mix, i.e. soil and perlite and remember Rome wasnt built in a day.

Heres where im at and hope the basic knowledge of my grow can grow your grow, do not copy me but use the same principles -




I'm definatly going to have to re-read this later when I'm not high but thanks for the help sounds like I shouldn't have used outdoor soil. Hopefully they will still grow if not I'll try again. btw noticed you calling me bro and dude, I'm female :grin:


Well-Known Member
I'm definatly going to have to re-read this later when I'm not high but thanks for the help sounds like I shouldn't have used outdoor soil. Hopefully they will still grow if not I'll try again. btw noticed you calling me bro and dude, I'm female :grin:
Your either a bro/dude or a marijuana plant round these parts Hombre!lol!

Your right, re-read when not stoned but jist is as you say indoor soil for indoors plus you forgot perlite too. Peace