leaves are dying


hi im new to growing, my plant is going into its 5th week of flowering but my leaves are going light green then starting to die, it started at the bottom but now the top fan leaves are doing the same even some of the smaller leaves aswell can any body help


Active Member
Get a pH scale your pH is prob to high, Water it more, It's a bigger plant now and its get alot more thirsty during flowering because of producing THC and the buds. Give it some nutrients, Bat guano is very rich and works good for me. Are you growing indoors or outdoors? All the leaves that have already died just pull them off they will be doing nothing good for your plant only taking up its energy. happy growing


Well-Known Member
it is normal for fan leaves to die during flowering.. the plant is taking all the energy out of the fan leaves and putting into the buds, like green said.. its hard for us to tell if you have an issue other than that with out pictures..


Well-Known Member
totally fine whats happenin bro u r most likely nearing the end of flowering.. your plant is using all its reserved nutrients from the leaves.. how long is your flowering cycle?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Go advanced, then hit manage attatchments...Theres a thread in the newbie section that tells you two ways to post pics


Active Member
that looks damn good for not having any nutres....after about 4-6 wks of veg growth I was losing alot of leaves because of nute deficiency


Active Member
i have never used any nutes she has only ever had water
I agree, try some bloom nutrients and kick it up a notch. Bigger blooms eh?! Fan leaves always yellow toward the end, just pick them off.
Do you have any kids? ....Did you just give them water too? (just teasing!!!!:lol:)
FEED your living being and it will reward you....
Potting soils only have enough nutrient for a month or so then they start to really peter out. Use good Organic nutrients! Good Luck! Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
All of my plants are loosing their fan leaves, its actually to the point now that only the leaves between the bud is alive the rest has died off and i still have a month on most of the plants if not more. This year was the worst to start growing, it rained twice for about 2weeks straight on top of the sporadic entire days of pouring rain. i lost about 1/2 to weather conditions...

here is a pic of the only plant that still has most of its leaves however it has just began to preflower



hey i have got babies three of them and yes they have only had water aswell (lol) they are doing fine what neutes should i be givig them


Well-Known Member
You should try botanicare bloom formulas, organic and water soluable, just mix req'd amounts of it in with a gallon of water and your ready to go!