Last day of week 4 she's making it :) pics

image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgWell last day of week 4 .. This little lady got to stay in the yard due to her rough start ! I'm surprised how well she actually did !! Let me know what you think RIU :) my other ladies hit 6 feet and look pretty much the same but about a week behind this one for some reason ! Any tips or advise appreciated in advance ! Thanks
The strain is really not 100% known but its SUPPOSED to be a local strain (R2) and a kush ??? Either way she's looking and smelling fantastic ! Lets just say if the heavy bag was effected by smell that S.O.B would be laying laying on the floor ! Thanks guys ! Not my first grow but it is a new strain but I think I'm gonna be really happy with it ! Lots of trics on her and a wonderful sweet and skunky smell almost able to taste it :) thanks a million RIU I may not of asked the questions but I always seem to find my answers here ! Hope everyone has a successful year :) happy days !


Well-Known Member

  • a wonderful sweet and skunky smell almost able to taste it

    Only smoker would concur with that.I Concur.



Well-Known Member
OMG don't you love that smell? if they ever bottle it and make it air freshener and perfume I am DOWN! I could roll in the smell of that shite!

nice pretty plant you have there.
Hey beech that's pretty accurate concur :) !!
Krispies buddy they have a colonge out called KUSH :) let me know if it attracts the heat ?! :)