Larger More Flavorful BUDS

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Well-Known Member
This is a proven horticultural technique I heard about in a college fruit science class buddy. What is your horticultural background hotshot?:lol:
Hey, i'm a n00b and going by your posts, so are you. I suppose you're trying to make out that those couple of times you've been to "horticultural classes" and learning the very basic layout of a plant makes you an expert :D

Ole Budheavy said:
Plus, molasses is a gooey material that seems like a bitch to deal with
LOL you do know you mix it in warm water? You don't just gloop it into the soil :D

P.S. I actually would like to see some documentation on this this exact technique you're describing.

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
Hey, i'm a n00b and going by your posts, so are you. I suppose you're trying to make out that those couple of times you've been to "horticultural classes" and learning the very basic layout of a plant makes you an expert :D

LOL you do know you mix it in warm water? You don't just gloop it into the soil :D

First of all just because I haven't posted hundreds times doesn't make me a NOOB to growing.

Plus I have a DEGREE, not just a few classes under my belt.

I also have more common sense than to just glop the shit in there without diluting it. I'm not opposed to trying it, the thought never came to mind on my last grow.


Well-Known Member
Sorta like 'Lollipoping?' In theory, if u cut the bottom 1/3 off a plant. At the begining of flower, all energy will be focused to the upper 2/3. Tho it will probably slow growth a little more than ur method. Correct?
Because with MJ, those bottom branches are good for nothin really. As they usually are small, popcorns, that sometimes can be a pain. Am I wayyyy off here?
Good method regardless. I will try it with my new girls in a few weeks. + rep dude!


Well-Known Member
What you are talking about doing is called "Girdling". Black bears "girdle" trees when they are hungry and they die. I cant imagine this will help any.. you are just stressing the plant and keeping key nutrients away from key parts. Pics?

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
Cool, what's your actual degree in?

And have you any references for your technique so a n00b like me can read about it?

Here's our own reference from RIU:

I just googled girdling cannabis plants. I didn't read more than a couple posts but I figured this might help reinforce the legitimacy of this thread. Both threads should be linked. The internet rules!! Plus there were other more scientific references as well. ;-)

Let me say, I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read this thread and comment. I think RIU has awesome members and we all end up helping each other get through this crazy existence. :hug:

:mrgreen:Remember, Fuck the DEA and all the BRAINWASHED souls, they will be defeated!!

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
Cool, what's your actual degree in?

And have you any references for your technique so a n00b like me can read about it?
Sorta like 'Lollipoping?' In theory, if u cut the bottom 1/3 off a plant. At the begining of flower, all energy will be focused to the upper 2/3. Tho it will probably slow growth a little more than ur method. Correct?
Because with MJ, those bottom branches are good for nothin really. As they usually are small, popcorns, that sometimes can be a pain. Am I wayyyy off here?
Good method regardless. I will try it with my new girls in a few weeks. + rep dude!
Pruning off the lower growth focuses the plant's energy on the remaining plant canopy. I admit that lollipoping is usually performed when the grower has many plants and desires more airflow underneath the canopy. :mrgreen:

I have seen videos on you tube that have taught me the many techniques growers use. Thanks bro. I can't wait to start up my new grow. I would love to see pics of your experiment. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Had a quick google and it definitely seems interesting, although how alike fruit bearing trees to cannabis plants are, i don't know.

The method is sort of summed up in wikipedia of all places:

Wikipedia said:
Girdling is also used as a technique to force a fruit-bearing plant to bear larger fruit. A farmer would place a girdle at base of a large branch, and remove all but one fruit from that branch. Thus, all sugars manufactured by leaves on that branch have no sinks but the single fruit, which thus grows to many times normal size.

So in theory you would girdle below the cola to make it fatten up?'s worth a try.