Landlord question


Well-Known Member
Hey stoners....i have a question. Say you own a small house and list it for rent. You have a seemingly nice family that live two doors down from your house that come to show their big interest in renting your home. You decide to give them a shot seeing as they are friendly neighbors. Then one day you get a phone call from a stranger. He tells you that the family that is interested in the home is no good. He explains they are young, inexperienced, and not good with money. He talks about how you should second guess this shady family. He explains he just wants to look out for you so you avoid the mistake of renting to unwanted tenants. Tells you have a nice day and to take care. He hangs up.

Now from your perspective should you be a landlord in this position. How do you respond?

Honestly, I'm a landlord in this position. I simply do not know if I should give them a shot. I told them I was pretty much positive I would rent the place out to them. Then I get this weird call from some strange number telling me not to. I would like some thoughtful input from you nice folks here on RIU. Much appreciated.

By the way the home in question is a small 1000 sq ft house and is my parents old home. I'm just trying to rent it on the market until i can gain enough finances to remodel it and sell it for good.

Any questions feel free to post them and I will gladly answer.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a jealous relative or another party wanting to rent the house.

It's bullshit all and all.
Who else would call and give you info like that?
The bank?


Well-Known Member
I agree with growan......if this home is an investment for your future you better know everything about prospective tennants. There is absolutely nothing wrong in verifying a info on them. IMHO you'd be foolish not to


Well-Known Member
With shit like this, when in doubt dont risk it. Or ask for 6 months rent upfront or sumat, lot of landlords do that in uk.


Well-Known Member
What is your leasing criteria?

Rules of thumb
Income 3 1/2 times rental rate
Good rental history (call 2 previous landlords)
Good credit history (no delinquent accounts)
No criminal history (no sex offenders or felons)

A random phone call should not affect your decision making process and you should ignore it.
PM me if you have any questions


Well-Known Member
been in this position with a suppossed "friend"..dont do it..all i heard was bad stuff about my last tennant..i said to myself "hey,im this guys boss and friend..hell do me good"..nope,wrong..destroyed my house,owes me months of rent,wich was next to nothing,became a scumbag overnight..
point is,these guys did something to warrant vindictiveness by the caller..dont put youself in a position to get fucked by them as well...C.Y.O.A.(cover your own ass).

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
If you got the number call stranger back and ask what the fucks up. If it was me I would be turned off by the whole thing and move on. It's a business agreement no need for sympathy.

On the other hand if you decide to risk it. Like mentioned, credit/background check etc. Confront the family about the call. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Well-Known Member
well ...the phone call is odd

but you have the right to have references, ask for references to previous landlords so that should help
Yea,The phone call is a little fishy.Something is raising a RED flag here.