l.e.d. lighting...?


Well-Known Member
really? check my journal I've used leds from GLH, LED WHolesalers, HTG, and no name Chinese crap. I just found what works well for me. Do you really think any company is that ambitious with their guerilla marketing techniques?


if i may hoss ask u under what conditions are u alowed to grow up to 4 plants? do u need a medical card or something or is that just what the state law is for all persons there? and if i may ask what state is alowing this?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm not allowed to grow four. Four or less is a misdemeanor in my state, this was recently lowered to a ticketable offense for first time offenders. Five is a felony carrying a rather hefty penalty. Not going to broadcast where I live but if you go to NORML's site and check state laws you can figure it out pretty quickly.


Well-Known Member
Its ridiculous how many people wanna talk shit about leds. Fuck your lumens, its about PAR! HID wastes way too much light, it produces very little the plants actually use. Yes, theyre much more expensive, but dammit you cheap asses, the buds are of much higher quality! It takes a special blend of spectrums but if its done right, HID dont even come close! My run wasnt real impressive, but the mistakes were my fault, the light produced the best buds Ive ever grown. Not the biggest, but the density was so high that they barely shrunk when dried and outweighed the hps buds. So argue all you want, Ive made the comparisons first hand and will be running ALL LED as soon as I can afford to.


Well-Known Member
Its ridiculous how many people wanna talk shit about leds. Fuck your lumens, its about PAR! HID wastes way too much light, it produces very little the plants actually use. Yes, theyre much more expensive, but dammit you cheap asses, the buds are of much higher quality! It takes a special blend of spectrums but if its done right, HID dont even come close! My run wasnt real impressive, but the mistakes were my fault, the light produced the best buds Ive ever grown. Not the biggest, but the density was so high that they barely shrunk when dried and outweighed the hps buds. So argue all you want, Ive made the comparisons first hand and will be running ALL LED as soon as I can afford to.
Ditto on that man. I've been attacked left, right, and center or using LEDs. It was my personal choice due to the size and scope of my garden. HID was too much heat to deal with without adding ducting and high speed fans which was going to cost me a bunch of cash anyway. Had good results with both. Given the preference I reach for my jar of led grown nuggets before HID every time. Those who say leds can flower haven't used newer multi spectrum 3w panels.

@ somedude - for reference in my garden to effectively replace all hid and cfl it took roughly 2/3 the wattage of leds. Expensive, you bet. Is it paying off having them under a 3 year warranty not having to replace an hid or clf bulb for the next three years and saving 1/3 the electricity every month - YES!