l.e.d. lighting...?


ok so i have been wanting to get some led set up goin for my plant and i know there really expencive, i only have 1 marijuana plant growing at a time because of space but it seems to be doin good but i think it could do better of course, is it to much of a hassel to make an led light pannel and if so ill just buy 1 or somethin but another question is if i buy one what type of led and what brand along with what whattage, again i only have 1 plant and the space its in is 4x3x3 so its not to big of a space, if someone could help me decide what i should do plz let me know =] ty, and if led is just junk im thinkin about a 150 hps cuz its such a small space ya know, itll just get really hot, and i do not have a fan for my grow spot either thats another reason im thinkin led but again let me know thanks for the help =] bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I think you should use a search engine and research LED lighting systems. Research HPS, MH, t5's too... All the questions you are asking have been asking hundreds if not thousands of times. I don't mean to sound condescending by any means, but you need to invest time in order to do things correctly.


i have reserched all of them i just dont know what to choose so i figure ask local growers what they think and recomend


New Member
LED LACK INTENSITY IN FLOWERING stick with the old school dude! i learned that led's still have a long way to come!! and the hype saying your gonna get 3grms per watt is B.S dont get me wrong it would probably work but for stacking on the trichs you cant beat MH/HPS Combos


Well-Known Member
hey KylerKMK, i was researching for LED too...but it got to point its really expensive most LEDs products are worth to buy is over 250 or 300 hundred dollars for just one plant....but if you want the cool temp in your tent without too hot , try high output T5 system they re pretty good.



Well-Known Member
LED's are great. My Blackstars weren't cheap but in just one grow you make your money back in electric savings. I think you'll be happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
Dont bother MH and HPS Lamps all the way - i use T5 for veg

You not get the results you are looking for - invest in an air cooled hood and some insulated ducting


ok so hps/mh it is then? should i do a 400w that has hm/hps or the 150w hps? {it cant use mh kinda a downer..} and remember i have 1 plant at a time and its in a 4x3x3 space


Well-Known Member
ohh it would be best to get 400w MH/HPS its worth to invest because you will become addict to grow those..you will want grow more than one, trust me on this one :)


Sector 5 Moderator
If you are only growing one plant, and do not intend to go over that, then go with the 150 or a 250, unless you're going to top it a couple of times to get a bush. LED's are good for vegging but not for flowering. With you having such a small space I would highly recommend that you start flowering as soon as your seedling gets 6" tall or you're going to run out of room. You will probably have to tie it down (LST) as it is.


Well-Known Member
I'm all led, used to use two 400w air cooled hps set ups. They work and work well if you invest in a good brand. I read you saying 'panel' earlier - don't buy one of those shitty 14 or even 45-50w panels. They suck, don't have a warranty and will not last 50,000 hours. UFOs are a little better but if you want to get a serious led light you'll have to spend at least $250 bucks, but for that price in a one plant garden you'll save a shit load of electricity and it will be super stealthy. Check the journal in my signature I've had several yields now that were comparable in weight but better in terms of quality compared to my old hps lights.


New Member
ok thinking you dont have room or a very very small space considering you only want to grow 1 plant

i was just reading on LED and was shocked at my findings not only are they expensive but for what there worth is it really worth it
i mean 100 watts of LED only produce 7250 lumens yup holy crap thats nothing its like running florous lol
hell when you think about it for a moment you buy 250 watt LED for how much 350 ????? for 18,125 lumens or spend 250.00 for a 1000 ad get 145,000 lumens just doesn't make sense to me REally


New Member
I'm all led, used to use two 400w air cooled hps set ups. They work and work well if you invest in a good brand. I read you saying 'panel' earlier - don't buy one of those shitty 14 or even 45-50w panels. They suck, don't have a warranty and will not last 50,000 hours. UFOs are a little better but if you want to get a serious led light you'll have to spend at least $250 bucks, but for that price in a one plant garden you'll save a shit load of electricity and it will be super stealthy. Check the journal in my signature I've had several yields now that were comparable in weight but better in terms of quality compared to my old hps lights.
first off thats great your likeing LED
i see you ran 400 watters theres no comparison 400 watter just plane suck @ss Period its like watching paint dry growing with them
you mentioned comparable in yields so you got better yields with your LED and what did you add in flowering to make it happen a HPS by chance :))


wow guys i love the input its really makin me kinda know what i should get and want to get at this point, i appretiate all the input =] keep it comin every post helps me in a big way, {and of course helps others} thank you guy's!


Well-Known Member
Extra equipment they don't need with LED lighting.
Don't make uniformed decisions fueled by teen wanna be growers.
Take a look at my LED grow and you'll see.
Ppl who bash technology they have no knowledge of should not pretend to know the difference.
If ya need more leads pm me I'll link you to some stuff you should see.
Funny how guys come in, sling shit and leave in a hurry. No refs. No science. Just shit. Oh the mortification.