just started growing


Active Member
Hi guys, ive just started growing and wanted to know if ive got my set up right.
my grow room is 4 feet x 4 feet x 7 feet. im using a 400 watt hps light on an 18hr on cycle. im doing DWC using four 4 gallon buckets, each bucket gets 1/2 gallon of air a min. a PH of 5.5 and an EC of 1150 PPM. nutrient is CANNA aqua. room temp is 78 F, humidity is 50% and im using extracter fans.. Does this sound ok. the plants which are indicas have been in two weeks and are doing ok, apart from the leaves are curled down at the edges and the whole leaf drops down. also some of the roots have gone a slight brown colour. could the leaf problem be because theres not enough air to the roots? and is the root colour because the nutrient im using turns the water a peat colour? any help you guys could give me would be really appreciated...