Just placed my first seed order!


As the title says, I just ordered for the first time. Went with Attitude, and I ordered Pineapple Express, Vanilla Kush, White Russian, and Super Lemon Haze. Hoping for a good start. I'm planning to scrog in a waterfarm, Scottyballs inspired grow. Feeling really excited and nervous at the same time.

I've never tried marijuana before. I'm going down this road because of the constant pain from fibromyalgia. I need something that can help. I've tried pill after pill, been shrugged off by doctors who write another prescription and say they'll see me in a month while I can't even sleep because of pain.

I'm lucky enough to live in Oregon, and I've got an appointment on the 19th to get my OMMP card. So far everyone I've talked to has been really nice, which I didn't expect and am really grateful for. I feel out of place as a nerdy girl in her mid-twenties who hasn't ever lit up, but I'm really hopeful that this will be something that can actually help me. If I could get some pain relief, even just a little bit so that I could sleep, it'd all be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Good luck hope your grow is successful and helps ease your pain! Have a good camera to take pics with so when problems arise you can post on here and get help...


Well-Known Member
quick word of advice , don't get stressed . those seeds will sit at the oragon post for at least 7 days after they enter the us . that's the imagration post or what ever , don't matter sence seeds are for novelty use, point is don't stress it if your tracking the order, excited to get your items, this is normal, we have all been through this before, and it will stress you , lol


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. There is a ton of information on this forum. Attitude is a good seed bank and I harvested the G13 Pineapple Exp. last month. Check my profile for photos. You won't be disappointed.

I didn't smoke mj 'til I was 27. Been trying to make up for lost time ever since.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
in about three months you'll be smoking some good, pain relieving cannabis. sometimes i wonder, is it really a pain reliever or does the mj just make you forget about the pain. guess it doesn't make any difference though. i remember waiting for my first seed order: i was like a kid on Christmas Eve night. GL


Attitude delivered, i went to pick up my souvenir's today from the po box and it was super stealthy. Really like the shirt!!
USPS tracking followed it all the way to my po box and I am super satisfied with my purchase

all fem.


Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. :) I admit that I'm stalking that seed order just a little, by which I mean a lot, but on the plus side I have enough to do getting everything that I can at least feel productive. Have the ballast and hood and 400w CMH set up, and the hydroton all rinsed in the waterfarm and an airstone to go in the bottom of it and a better pump and Floranova bloom to feed plants once I have them. And a timer and string for LST and a PPM meter (my water is 32ppm! I was surprised and pleased.) Oh, and a 400ish CFM fan and a small variac to adjust the speeds...

There's so much that goes into doing all of this, but it's great to see it start to come together into something that looks actually usable.