Just Got Hired Over the Phone


New Member
Company: Ensign Drilling... rig #46

Tomorrow gotta meet someone at a gym to do a pre-employment fitness test/physical (never had to do this before to work on a rig, but watched a video and read testimonial online from people...they said, at most, you lift 100 pounds off the floor...then push/pull a sled with 100lbs or so... then do some cardio with a heart monitor attached to you...intervals 3 minutes cardio, 1 minute rest, then they check your heart rate).

Then I just gotta pass a urine test (easily)...aaand then I go to the drill location and sleep in the man camp tomorrow night

sweeeeet no more living in my car :D TIME TO STACK DIMES


New Member
yea the drilling rigs all pay 27-28/hour... 12 hour days, 2 weeks on 1 off or 20 days on/10 off, depends on the company. I don't know the specific pay or schedule yet

but yea, should be a little over $3k/week, after taxes


Well-Known Member
Sounds great ^^ Yay, monies for you!!! *pops a cork*

You'll ace the physical; if I can lift 150 you can swing 100!

So glad you got it after how unhappy you sounded the other day xx