Just done my first grow


Hi all, just done my first grow, 3 autoflowers under a 900W LED. Going to do 5 under the same light using the scrog method next time. Also using properly pH tested water and using nutrients for the full cycle. Got 4.5oz altogether which I guess I'm happy with as a first atrempt

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Hi all, just done my first grow, 3 autoflowers under a 900W LED. Going to do 5 under the same light using the scrog method next time. Also using properly pH tested water and using nutrients for the full cycle. Got 4.5oz altogether which I guess I'm happy with as a first atrempt
that ain't bad at all....
pics? we're very visually oriented....
(don't be paranoid, the site strips any metadata present in pics you post, basically like they make a copy of it with no info attached that they post)

Chip Green

Well-Known Member
was only using 1ml of each
That's alright, you're doing the right thing by feeding lightly. Maintaining healthy plants is far easier when they never get too much...
I know "experienced" growers who run autos, and get 1-1.5 OZ from each, because they dump way too much shit on them in the false belief it makes them grow faster.
What medium did you run them in? If you have any sort of decent soil, you shouldn't "need" to feed much anyway!


That's alright, you're doing the right thing by feeding lightly. Maintaining healthy plants is far easier when they never get too much...
I know "experienced" growers who run autos, and get 1-1.5 OZ from each, because they dump way too much shit on them in the false belief it makes them grow faster.
What medium did you run them in? If you have any sort of decent soil, you shouldn't "need" to feed much anyway!
I just used john innes number 2 soil, didn't really know what else to do


Well-Known Member
I think next time I'm going to try just feminised and see how I go from there, just not sure how many I will get for that light
How many what, number of plants?
That would depend on how long you want to veg, but basically you will have more options in terms of growing methods when growing photoperiod


How many what, number of plants?
That would depend on how long you want to veg, but basically you will have more options in terms of growing methods when growing photoperiod
I'm currently using 900watt LED, would try either 4 feminised or 5 autoflowers