journal cfl lighting and crippi


last night my big plant started to droop all the way down.i have no idea why.the soil wasnt bone dry but i added some water anyway and still droopy. i dont know what to do. its too early for nutes. the only thing i did was add some soil to fill the rest of the pot up. any ideas why its doing this. to me it also looks a little more yellow too.


ithink i figured it out. it was under watering. doing much better now.IMG_0930.jpghow i found this out was i looked online and i stumbled upon a thread that said, if just the plants leaves are droopy
then it usually over watering. if the plant leaves and stems are droopy its underwatering. my leaves were just droopy so i figured it was just overwatering.

the small plant did not die when i added the 12-4-5 it loved it and is growing faster now IMG_0929.jpgstill has two burn bottom leaves but they seem to be staying green and are healthy so i am leaving them.
these two plants are the same age yes. no idea why this one runted out. its growing now, so thats all that matters.


look at this monster!IMG_0932.jpg300w cfl

only issue is it doesnt fint in my hood the greatest. my hood fits up to 250w and i didnt know that. it works with it but it sags a bit. i am affraid it might snap the E39 mogul base off the hood. it is friggin bright! this plus 8 40w 2700k will give me 570w for 2-3 plants and 31,000 lumens. i might take this light to a hydoponic store that sells these and ask him if he will swap a 250 for this 300, i think he will. if not i will just use it. i am using this hood you guys think it will hold the 300w if it can hold the 250w?


nice grow how far away are you keeping the plants from the light?
also have you been spraying water on your plants i spray mine about 2 times a day idk i started doing it and seemed to make the stems stronger. you can also buy splitters for your light fixtures and put 2 or even 3 lights on one fixture i got a 4 fixture light bar with 4 splitters on it so i have 8 lights i got the bar and splitters at lows for $40 a great deal im running 200 watt cfl in each so 1600 watt total i got to post pics soon


Never spray water on the plants it can burn the leaves once the light and heat hit it. The cfl equivalent is a wattage you need to forget. If its 23w cfl and it's 100w equivalent it's only 23w. You only have 200w not 1600. It's fine for vegging but depending on how many plants yu have, I would triple that when it's time for blooming. I keep my lights a inch or so from the plants and my big cfl in the hood is is 6" away. All,of my lights are under the hood so its extremely bright


Never spray water on the plants it can burn the leaves once the light and heat hit it. The cfl equivalent is a wattage you need to forget. If its 23w cfl and it's 100w equivalent it's only 23w. You only have 200w not 1600. It's fine for vegging but depending on how many plants yu have, I would triple that when it's time for blooming. I keep my lights a inch or so from the plants and my big cfl in the hood is is 6" away. All,of my lights are under the hood so its extremely bright
I spray my plants several times a day and never had them burnt. Spraying your plants has many benifits as it mimicks them getting rained on plus it will deter mites.


I am done with growing. Too much bull shit involved. I don't understand why it just can't grow so easily like any other plant or Weed
All my plants now droop for no fucking reason. Good luck all.


Active Member
Really dood, giving up so easy? Just let em finish, droopy or not and get better next time learning from this go around.


Well-Known Member
I am done with growing. Too much bull shit involved. I don't understand why it just can't grow so easily like any other plant or Weed
All my plants now droop for no fucking reason. Good luck all.
It's not "no fucking reason" man, just find out what you could have done better and keep trying? If you fucked up another plant or weed it would droop and get nute burn just the same.