If any of you are willing to say Obama hasnt been the biggest divider as a President, then anything else you say wont matter to me.
Obama, hands down, has brought more division than any president I have ever encountered and that is FACT.
He is, without a doubt, the great divider.
You guys may can say thats a good thing and defend that side, but you cannot possibly say (without lying) that he doesnt create division in every possible aspect as a politician. This country has never been split into so many segments before and I am willing to bet, ever again after Obama is no longer president, whether in a few months or a few years.
Unless, of course we have another minority president whom one third of the population and half of the conservative pundits believe is neither capable of leading nor entitled to the position. In fact, it is becoming obvious that Republicans do not believe any Democrat is ever entitled to a presidency that they believe is their sole perview. Impeach one, besmearch another, disrespect them all.
When in history has a group of the opposition gathered the day after a president is installed, vowed to see that president fail regardless of means or consequences of his failure? When you can show me another incident like that, then I will grant you that Obama himself, through his own devices, fomented the division you describe.
When in a state of the union address, a member of the opposition loudly proclaims "you lie", it is as likely that the opposition sponsors division far more than the accused.
When the opposition loudly touts lies about the sitting president from questioning his authority to his citizenship to his very patriotism, you are hard pressed to claim that the subject of those continual smears and recriminations is less to blame for division than those spouting the lies.
It seems that your hatred has gotten the better of your reason althor.