Jedi Flipping


Well-Known Member
Anyone every done it? or any type of flipping before?
So please, share you're experience/thoughts on it :) bongsmilie


Active Member
I had too google "jedi flip" and i read it was LSD+Shrooms+MDMA

Sounds pretty ridiculous.

The only flip I have ever done was Candiflip, but that was with MDAI, not MDMA


Well-Known Member
I've never, not even once, mixed mdma, shrooms or acid, with each other in any combination. one of the reasons i've been trying to get some molly, so i can try that finally. shrooms and acid i could mix right now, and might next time i trip..


Well-Known Member
pretty much, and give some to my girl, all shes really takes. i've taken it before, and i think mixing it with lsd would be good, with shrooms im not sure you could even really tell. at least not with the massive doses i take.


Well-Known Member
I've probably done it.... just didn't know it had a term to it...

Have most certainly taken lsd, shrooms, and molly. That's one of my favs!

Thanks for the new term! Althought I don't think I'll be like, "bro you wanna jedi flip?"... sounds pretty lame. More like... lets take some shrooms acid AND molly! Then go to a strip club or something completely crazy....


Active Member
Females will rarely venture outside of molly, in my experience.

When I was tripping on acid, the MDAI gave me energy, elevated my mood ever so slightly, and make my limbs feel strange. I imagine the effects of MDMA on acid would be very similar, only more intense.

I don't know if I would ever try MDMA while on shrooms, because like you said, it might not even be noticable. I find the euphoric effects of shrooms to be much greater than that of MDMA. The only downside is that the effects could cause my mood to be just as extreme, but in a negative way. My limbs always feel like jelly on shrooms, so that effect of MDMA might not be noticeable either. I think I would be afraid to drop MDMA if i was already under the influence of shrooms. Shrooms tend to make me very cautious.


Well-Known Member
I feel like shrooms are pretty potent and overide most things, short of xanex.

drunk and shrooms is interesting cause you dont feel drunk, but your body is drunk, so you stumble and stuff, lol

i imagine mdma might give you a mood lift while on shrooms, but most any other effect wouldn't be felt. i think that the body high mdma gives you, with the increase in pleasure, mixed with lsd's mind high and visuals, would be pretty much heaven lol.


Active Member
My roommate would always tell me that it is impossible to get drunk while on shrooms, but i never believed him! I guess he was right! Knowing me, I would forget that I had been drinking, and have no freakin' clue why I would be stumbling so much.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
hmm cool new name i guess i have jedi flipped at least 100 times. but im not big on rolling anymore. gave it up about 10 years ago when i hurt my brain on 10 beans. after that i stay away from the disco biskets. i loves me some k and lucy. what kind of flipping do they call that these days


Active Member
hmm cool new name i guess i have jedi flipped at least 100 times. but im not big on rolling anymore. gave it up about 10 years ago when i hurt my brain on 10 beans. after that i stay away from the disco biskets. i loves me some k and lucy. what kind of flipping do they call that these days
how did you hurt your brain on 10 beans?
yea ive been hearing good things about k and L mixed