Jamaican Dream EVA Seeds how much stretch during flowering?


Active Member
Hello everyone,

I am currently growing one Jamaican Dream by Eva Seeds and I can't seem to find out any information about how much it will stretch during flowering?
I hear that it grows like an indica but is a sativa so would it roughly double in height during flower?
Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks


I grow one out... all I can really tell you is from memory, unfortunately. It turned out really nice and I wish I had cloned it. Friends liked it a lot. Buds were dense, frosty, they looked appealing and it was easy to trim. It didn't take long to bloom, about 7 weeks I think.

As far as doubling in height goes... can't really recall, I have a picture of it in veg and that is the only one I can find. I don't believe I topped it, though, I don't think it got too tall.


put 2 into flower 12 days ago under a scrog net. they had only filled just over half the net and this morning after there last session of being pulled back under the net is now full. that's nearly double there size already with plenty of stretch to go. I would plan for it to at least double and up to treble in size in stretch. will let you know when it stops


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys! Very helpful indeed. I am approaching week 3 of Veg and was wondering whether I should top my lady or just leave her be? I'm not sure how this strain will respond to being topped.


Active Member
Just a quick update on the grow, been flowering for nearly 3 weeks and the plant more than tripled in height! I had to tie down the main cola as it was too close to the light. She's a beast! plenty of buds forming and it smells amazing. I don't know if it will be done in 7 weeks flowering as stated on the description of the strain but I guess I will find out soon.


Active Member
Hi Everyone, just a quick update and I have a question, I am now 6/7 weeks into flower and the trichomes are mostly cloudy. When would be a good time to harvest? I think this strain is mostly sativa so I want a nice head high rather than couch lock effect. Should I wait a bit longer? Any help or advice would be awesome. Thanks

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Well in my opinion I would cut as soon as I start to see any amber. That's the indication that you're going past peak THC.


Active Member
Hey Nutty thanks for your input much appreciated, yes I was thinking to harvest as soon as I see any amber but was not sure what would be best with this strain in particular. I guess I will trim a bud off and sample it to see what effect I get.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Well with any strain dude when they start turning amber that means the THC is degrading into CBN, CBN makes you feel a unwell basically and is unwanted with many growers. So best to harvest as soon as you see amber :)


Well-Known Member
I mostly grow sativas and sativa dom and for me I like around 80% cloudy with as few amber as possible. Just me and with the sativa highs I don't like any of the couch lock effect. Hope it turns out good for you.


Active Member
Thanks again people for your great advice! I had a look under the scope and I have around 80% cloudy the rest are clear. Do you think it will be ready to chop in around a week or so?