Is Your Life So Bad You Have To Meditate?


Active Member
I don't get it, I attended a few meditation groups, got a weird flying feeling all that. But what I don't understand is your life so bad you have to meditate?
Is the world that bad?

Most of the people in the past 20 years that are really really into meditating are folks id shy away from.

There is just to much good cool things in the world, look at some flowers, think about it but don't get all messed up and forget to clean your house.

If I look at a pile of garbage I don't meditate about cleaning it I just clean the trash up.

I am just so disconnected with actual meditation practitioners that I refuse to lean anything about meditating.

One meditation practitioner I know cant drive or function even hours after meditating. :roll:

Second rant,

Why go about your life being a noisy loud fool 99% of the time then even bother to practice silence and be in a trance? Cant these people practice meditation all day while working, I mean working is Sava and in that regard service and a forum of meditation.

Im not saying im any better then any one but at least I know how to take the trash out and do it quietly. Why spend 99% of your life mad or yelling banging pots and pans around and 1% in a "Spiritual practice"? Is not life and living and service a spiritual practice?

Iv spent a great deal of time with east Indians in their temple and most of the prayers are "Better job" "More money" "Good health"

Im not saying I hate you, im just saying Im the guy picking up your trash at the temple while your in your trance, and thanks for the free food Harri Krishas, even though I left a donation.


Well-Known Member
I guess its how you use it, or how you benefit from it.

I my self meditate to help reduce my headaches, and to also lower my resting heart rate. Doing that also relaxes me and helps me fall asleep.

I don't meditate to escape in anyway. Like I said its what you use it for and what you get out of it that will differ from person to person.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Meditation is different things to different people and does not necessarily have anything to do with escaping or as you say, hating life.

I meditate to help me clarify my thoughts and whatnot, not float around or some such

At the end of the day meditation can simply be thinking deeply


Well-Known Member
I guess people have different definitions of meditation. I've come to learn that meditation is more than just quieting the mind. It goes deep into the awareness of what you really are at the inner most level. Meditation shouldn't have any effect on how you live your daily life, as in it shouldn't stop you from getting things done on a day to day basis and if it does then that's not a good practice to have. I've listened to a lot of phony "spiritual masters" that have a dull concept of meditation and all that does is agitate the ego mind. True meditation IMO surpasses the day to day thinking mind..cause in reality most of our thoughts are old concepts of the past, useless memories, worries and projections of the future. I may not be explaining this in a way that you can fully understand what I mean. So check this vid out. This IMO is a real sage. He was taught by "Papaji" who IMO is one of the sages we have had the honor to have on this planet. Hear this out.. if you have the time..


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure who you would have met that cannot function hours after meditation.... That's a bit strange. Anyone who is "meditating" because their life is too hard has missed the point. Anyone who is a belligerent ass 99% of the time but spends a small amount of time in meditation isn't doing it right. If they had a healthy spiritual practice, they wouldn't be loud and belligerent.


Well-Known Member
You don't meditate for things like picking up trash.. It really does just help you organize all your thoughts, get some silence. When you awake from a deep meditation session, you feel absolutely AMAZING. All your muscles are completely relaxed. You feel like you've slept for days, all the little quirks and insecurities you had before vanish.. I like it a lot and I don't think I'm wasting a second of it. I've learned so much about myself and everyone else from meditating.. Its so ate up, I don't tell anyone I do it lol.. I shy away from the meditat-ers too!