Is this Nutrient Burn?


Well-Known Member

This is my first grow. I have an indoor grow with a 600watt hps/mh light. I'm growing in FF Light Warrior and it's in about 4weeks of veg.

I water every few days when the top of the soil gets crusty. I follow the FF feeding schedule but after I started noticing the leaves turning colors. So, I did a small flush. I'm not sure if it's because the lights are too close or if it has to much nutrients.



New Member
yea man, that looks like heat burns, on the 2nd pic, how close is your lights and what's the temp in there?
first pic looks like cal/mag probs I think. Go look at the stickies for plant problems and you'll be able to see for your self.



This is my first grow. I have an indoor grow with a 600watt hps/mh light. I'm growing in FF Light Warrior and it's in about 4weeks of veg.

I water every few days when the top of the soil gets crusty. I follow the FF feeding schedule but after I started noticing the leaves turning colors. So, I did a small flush. I'm not sure if it's because the lights are too close or if it has to much nutrients.

if youve got a 600w HPS on them things you can keep it a good few feet above the little guys, i saw my buddy destroy a couple beautiful AK babies by having his light too close and his room way too hot. my 1000w is basically to my celing, ive got 9 girls in there flowering. is it mega hot in your grow area? get some fans in there, just use regular water for a bit and spray em down now and then see if it heals up...check the weight before and after you water em so you know how it feels when theyre dry


Well-Known Member
My temps are around 80F. Sometimes when it rains outside it gets around 70-75F. My lights are around 8in from the top of the plants. I have an exhaust with filter and an intake.

I also have a moister meter. I just got it yesterday. I will water them and spray. I will also raise the light about 1ft. When I start to flower, do the plants still need to be around 1ft below the light?


New Member
I'd say around 16 inches or so, just put your hand ontop of the canopy and if you can leave it there for a min without it being uncomfortable, your fine, if not raise light till it is ok.


Well-Known Member
That's some serious lighting for those little plants. A couple of CFL's or T5's and some regular water for a few weeks might do them some good, either that, move the light up about 3-4 more feet. That soil has enough nutrients in it to last those plants a while. Straight water, lower intensity lighting.


Well-Known Member
To set your light at the right height put you hand so it is touching your highest plant, ( between the plant and light) top of plant touching the underside of your open hand, ( the inside of your hand is more sensitive ) if your hand gets hot it's to close, move the light till you can keep you hand in place. If you have a fan blowing across the tops you can move it an inch of so closer. Once you set the light tie a peace of colored string the distance from the plant. At a glance you can tell if you need to move it.

If your 600 is 24 inches away you only have 12 inches of plant getting 25% of the light power! Go to a lamp site and have a look at the charts they have it will help you use your light to produce more.

Your girls age getting to much food. Since you flushed, you did flush so 3 times normal volume ran out? Cut back to 50% recommended on the label when they need to be feed. You plants use different amounts at different stages. Pay attention and keep a journal.

Peace :peace:

PS The first sigh of over feeding is deep dark green leaves.