Is this cannabis?


found this growing outside. someone told me it's hemp and another person told me it's cannabis. what do you think?SUNP0035.JPGSUNP0036.JPGSUNP0037.JPGSUNP0038.JPG

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
^^^^I don't think so, lol.

Cannabis and Hemp are names for the same plant, except hemp will give ya a headache as there is virtually no THC at all.


Well-Known Member
^^^^I don't think so, lol.

Cannabis and Hemp are names for the same plant, except hemp will give ya a headache as there is virtually no THC at all.
Making them two different plants. Similar but not the same. To the op that is stinging nettle. Don't smoke that.


Well-Known Member
Thats killer stuff bro,probably some old exotic strain from nepal why dont you and friends give it try.


Active Member
Oh I didn't know you could smoke nettles, I read someone elses thing and it said they can kill you or something lol but I don't know anything about nettles I just knew that picture wasn't weed, thanks for the info :). :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Oh I didn't know you could smoke nettles, I read someone elses thing and it said they can kill you or something lol but I don't know anything about nettles I just knew that picture wasn't weed, thanks for the info :). :leaf:
People actually make soup out of it, but you have to know how to prepare it before you do. Kinda like eating a blow fish.