Is my water good?


Active Member
First off I live in a small mountain town, not to high up so it doesn't really get too cold we are at like 4500 feet. We have a creek in our back yard. And our faucet water is from our well. For my clones I've been using water right out of the creek, and my bigger girls using my faucet cause it. Easier at the moment . Is this okay. I figure it's more nutrients for them cause it's from the creek

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I'm at 5,000 feet. 22 years of great drinking water. My plants love it... I'm in So Cal. You may have hard water or super soft water where you live - but probably not if from a mtn. creek as it's from rain run off... If the taste is good it's probably good for the plants too...


Well-Known Member
if you are really concerned and got some extra cash, you can send out some samples of it to a water testing facility. i test our well water every few years and i get a report with everything that is in it in ppms.

my question would be if it did have something nasty in it, would you eventually ingest it when you smoked the buds? or would the plant filter it out? i don't know enough to even guess on that one.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Creek water oughta be much better for your plants than tap water laden with chlorine & other shit. Probly be a good idea to test it anyways but if there are any plants growing in & around the creek it stands to reason it should be ok


Well-Known Member
I'd have them both tested, it would be good to know for the future and it's not expensive. I always use rainwater, but ran out and hit the girls with my well water back when I first moved out here. It shocked the living shit out of my poor ladies. They were one sorry sight the morning after. :eyesmoke: