Is my leaves getting burnt or something else?


Well-Known Member
I have a problem and don’t know if it’s a potassium problem or a heat problem? My room can get up to 87% and yes I know it’s too hot for them but wondering it’s the cause of my leaves looking burnt.

Here are the stages as iv taken pictures from ok to completely burnt


Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Are you saying your room gets up to 87% relative humidity or 87 degrees Fahrenheit?

May I see a picture or two of the entire plant?


Well-Known Member
Check for pests as noted above...otherwise, a picture of the whole plant / s and details would help. 87º , while it's not ideal, isn't the worst if you have the corresponding humidity to go with it. I doubt that's your issue.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
They look like everybody else's plants in this plant problem section; over-fed. All we can do is guess with the limited information shared. The high temps aren't helping.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the limited information guys. I just checked the humidity and that is 52% and wouldn’t it cause mold if it was high?? Also I wanted to mention that the grow is in the Back of the basement with no windows...I checked for bugs didn’t really see anything


Well-Known Member
No way to diagnose without more information, but that looks like some culture issues--could be pests, could be nutrient toxicity.

How frequently are you watering? whats your air exchange setup? air movement? Pics make me think its more pest oriented, but pests could be moving in because of a weakness produced by an unhealthy plant--these are dynamic, complex systems after all.

More importantly, what's your medium? water quality? light? nutrient sources?

Hope we can help!

Be easy,


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
looks like calcium deficiency, but that could be caused by several things....don't just dump cal mag in it.
answer dr.j20, what medium, lights, nutes.....the more we know, the easier it is to give you an accurate answer