Is marijuana an evil drug that kills people?


Well-Known Member

I think marijuana is an evil drug.. because after smoking i felt like i was gonna die and this feeling is quite common from smoking marijuana. What do you people think? Do you think the government lies about marijuana and the CIA know its a silent-killer??
I don't think you believe this. I can't believe I wasted a minute reading it and responding.


Well-Known Member
Death by weed that needs to be on 1000 ways to die. What will it be the suicidal man that ate a brownie and jumped out the window Or the guy that ate some suckers and killed his family.

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
there was a mexican that got crushed by a huge bale of schwag bud - it weighed like half a tonne and it dropped on him when they were offloading the donkey...

that was the last recorded death from ganja


Well-Known Member
I've lost so many friends to marijuana. They started off with small doses, but it gradually got worse over time. Eventually they all started injecting it into the vein under their penis several times a day, and there was just nothing I could do to save them...
PINWORM?!!!!! how many fucken times have i asked you in a civil tone NOT TO SHARE MY WAR STORIES here at r.i.u? Seriously disapointed in you! I may need to bend you over.....again.10849749_815943085110848_7251139640824453170_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
My opinion is that it is all propaganda, that link says that:

"Both men had enough THC – an active chemical in cannabis – in their blood to suggest they had taken cannabis within hours of death" ....but not the cause!


Well-Known Member
I'm about to do an experiment..if i don't make a post in the next 20 mins..wait until later I'm probably busy..


Well-Known Member
My brother, god rest his soul overdosed on marijuana. I hear you loud and clear, OP.

He started with just a "hit" here or there. Then it got worse and he was swallowing condoms filled with ground up shwag fan leaves, and transporting them around town.

Since he smoked marijuana, he was obviously a sexual deviant as well. A true bottom. He received rather rough anal sex one time in the handicapped stall at chuck e cheeses and it caused the condoms in his rectum to burst, filling his anal cavity with ground shwag and semen. A completely lethal dose.

The mortician who did the autopsy noted that he probably died from internal bleeding due to terribly destructive anal sex, but I think we all know it was really the marihuanas.


Well-Known Member
I'm about to do an experiment..if i don't make a post in the next 20 mins..wait until later I'm probably busy..
OK the experiment went well. A bowl of trainwreck and a dab and I'm not dead. I actually felt quite alive.....and hungry, so i had some ham and eggs. I'm about to redo the experiment..the only way to prove something is through repetition achieving the same results.


Well-Known Member
OK the experiment went well. A bowl of trainwreck and a dab and I'm not dead. I actually felt quite alive.....and hungry, so i had some ham and eggs. I'm about to redo the experiment..the only way to prove something is through repetition achieving the same results.
If you die this time how will we know it wasn't the ham and eggs?


Global Moderator
Staff member
For all you non believers out there - good luck with your hypospadias. :wink:

"Colorado is reconsidering its decision to legalize recreational pot following the deaths of dozens due to marijuana overdoses.
According to a report in the Rocky Mountain News, 37 people were killed across the state on Jan. 1, the first day the drug became legal for all adults to purchase. Several more are clinging onto life in local emergency rooms and are not expected to survive.

"It's complete chaos here," says Dr. Jack Shepard, chief of surgery at St. Luke's Medical Center in Denver. "I've put five college students in body bags since breakfast and more are arriving every minute.

"We are seeing cardiac arrests, hypospadias, acquired trimethylaminuriaand multiple organ failures. By next week the death toll could go as high as 200, maybe 300. Someone needs to step in and stop this madness. My god, why did we legalize marijuana? What were we thinking?"

Rainin' Fire in the Sky
Colorado and Washington state approved the sale of marijuana for recreational use in November though statewide ballot measures. Under the new policies pot is legal for adult use, regulated like alcohol and heavily taxed.

One of the principal arguments of legalization advocates was that cannabis has long been considered safer than alcohol and tobacco and was not thought not to cause overdose. But a brave minority tried to warn Coloradans of the drug's dangers.

"We told everyone this would happen," says Peter Swindon, president and CEO of local brewer MolsonCoors. "Marijuana is a deadly hardcore drug that causes addiction and destroys lives.

"When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer? All these pro-marijuana groups should be ashamed of themselves. The victims' blood is on their hands."

One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary.

Pinkman was partying with friends when he suffered several seizures and a massive heart attack which ultimately proved to be fatal. Toxicology reports revealed that marijuana was the only drug present in his system.

"This is just a terrible tragedy," says his friend Peter. "Jesse was trying to go legit and now this happens? I guess drugs really are as dangerous as they say."

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, who opposed the ballot initiative that legalized the drug, says he will call a special legislative session to try and overturn the new law.

"We can't sit idly by and allow this slaughter to continue," he said during a press conference Thursday."


Well-Known Member
Did anyone watch Reefer Madness ?
That little bit of propaganda tainted the minds of millions and still does !
As well as the ever popular.....This is your brain and this is your brain on drugs PSA's!


Well-Known Member
The fact is abusing is abusing , and I'm sure that in all those cases of the 37 people dieing that there were other drugs/alcohol involved and wasn't mentioned by a doctor who most likely would love to write you a script.

And if it was purely thc involved then I would say consumables and lack of discipline.