Is it true hydro plants taste nasty?


Well-Known Member
I just want to know if it's true that hydro plants when smoked have a horrible after taste? I heard this on the forums and a couple of friends have said it to. Maybe it's because the plant doesn't get the same micronutrients like in organic soil? Just a question and I'm not trying to diss hydroponics. :peace:


Well-Known Member
u are what u eat. the same is true for plants.

if u feed it kind organics it will taste the best. there are organic alternatives for hydro


Well-Known Member
Well it's still kinda hard to believe that hydro plants have no difference in taste than plants grown organically. I should probably test it out myself lol.


Hydro plants if they are'nt flushed for the last 5 days or so of growth can taste quite nasty and harsh.I recommend emptying your resevoir and filling with straight clean water.Later.Have a nice crop! Let me know if everything comes out alright.LOL


New Member
I just want to know if it's true that hydro plants when smoked have a horrible after taste? I heard this on the forums and a couple of friends have said it to. Maybe it's because the plant doesn't get the same micronutrients like in organic soil? Just a question and I'm not trying to diss hydroponics. :peace:

if it were true, you wouldnt always hear people hyped up/talking about "dro"


Well-Known Member
word. best shit ive tasted was hydro. dirt may be better with the micro orgs and what not, but there are additives for hydro to make up for these. and as mad was saying, flushing is very important last week or so to make sure your herb aint cracklin when your burnin one. hate that shit.


Well-Known Member
I just want to know if it's true that hydro plants when smoked have a horrible after taste? I heard this on the forums and a couple of friends have said it to. Maybe it's because the plant doesn't get the same micronutrients like in organic soil? Just a question and I'm not trying to diss hydroponics. :peace:
It reallly does not matter what medium you use to grow the plants if you know what you are doing and take care of the plants.

People who tell you soil vs hydro vs aero difference most likely have absolutely no experience so they are probably talking out their arse.

Also plants can be grown organically regardless of the medium. It seems like you were grouping organic and soil together. I grow organic in soil, hydro, and aero. Every person I've spoken to says the plants I grow are they best they've tasted.

Don't believe everything that people tell you or even what you read here. Alot of people don't have experience with these things and will just put out there whatever they've read regardless of if they have experience.

best of luck,


i bet every single person who says hydro tastes worse has never grown hydro, EXACT SAME BUDS PEOPLE sorry dont mean to be a dick but NPK IS NPK IS NPK IS NPK in the end it doest matter how the plant gets it, thats what proper flushing and curing is for NPK IS NPK!!!! ive done it both only diff is yield and time no diff is potency,taste, effectivness or non effectiveness sry if anyone disagrees but you wouldnt if you would go hydro PROPERLY and see the difference


Well-Known Member
doesnt matter if its hydro, soil, organic soil, organic hydro, its up the the grower and the strain