is it okay to transfer your plant indoors right when its about to Flower?


Well-Known Member
Okay, i have a feminized plant, she is so pretty, today i noticed that her top had 2 white hairs, and the plant is maybe 10-15in" talls.

i was wondering if i moved it indoors to a hydroponics set up under 2x26w 6500k CFLs, will it do okay?

and for flowering i have 2x42w 2700k CFLs


Well-Known Member
why would you want to do that? the sun beats any other lighting source to death brutally. Keep her outside, bringing it in wont help you, it will hurt.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if they can go from rainy, humid and hot weather to perfect temps, 24 hours of light for the first two weeks in the hydroponics setup.


Well-Known Member
Growth will be slow with just 2 cfls after being outside so long. If you really feel you must do it this way your going to want at least 4-5 times that.


If you go 24 hours a light for two weeks the plant will reveg you dont want that, stay outside let it finish, your plant knows its daytime even if its really cloudy and stormy itll get all the energy it needs


Well-Known Member
yeah, an overcast sky actually reflects light pretty good, its a bit hard to explain better but if you look outside on an overcast day you'd see how the plant is getting pretty even lighting over the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
its the light cycle that matters, i just want to say this one more time, your only going to hurt your yeild bringing it inside to flower, It doesnt matter what kind of light you have it wont be better than the sun on even cloudy overcast day. sun beats any lighting system. You should leave it outside!


Well-Known Member
Everyone! i cant grow outdoors, its really risky around here, i got a clone from a mother, and i planted it outside for 4 weeks, then i brought it inside to a hydroponics setup where it can be more secure.. now there is no changing this. Its said and done.

aslong as i get over a oz in yeild ill be happy.

but right now i just switched the plant over to a 2700k CFL, gonna do an 18/6 for 2 weeks then switch to a 12/12