Is it a hermie, what can i do_


Hello all

I am first time a grower and i know i have done lots of misteks on my soon ending 3 month road but i think i have ruined the plant completely.

6,5 week flower, the bud is very thin as you can see in comparsion with my hand, and i have spotted these small... , what i think are male flowers. But i think they have not opened up yet- will they at all? i have only 1,5 weeks left. i cut one of these, what i suspect are male flowers and smelled it, it smelled weird and now my whole plant smelles like that.

Since i have only 2 plants and both have the same problem i wanted to ask, if this stuff is still worth smoking or have these male flowers ruined everything.
3 month for nothing>(



Well-Known Member
I fail to see the male flowers. Don't kill either. Wait another 3 weeks and you'll have some good some.


Active Member
Don't kill them, they look great! They look all female to me man. I have a hermie the love bud going right now and it's a very obvious herman munster. Buds are buds even if they are hermie and will still get the job done.

Now if you are for sure seeing some nuts (which I don't see) clip them off and don't let the pollen sacks rupture. It could very well be that is it is a female plant that just got slightly stressed due to any number of reasons. (Light leaks/cycles, hi/low temps. ph issues, nute problems, whatev.) In nature sometimes a plant will slightly hermie as a last ditch effort to try and pollinate itself to reproduce, it happens. =)


Thank you for helping me out a bit. So i should let them flower for another 3 weeks you think(then it will be 9,5 weeks total flowering time), i still have maybe 40-50 % of white hair.

Thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member
Your plant is not pollinated, all the hairs are still fairly straight. If a calyx gets pollinated the hair crinkles and recedes back into it and goes brown. A male flower generally has a small stock and then looks like a green banana, here is a pic from one of my males...

I think you still have a few weeks to go. Get a small microscope and check your trichomes (the white pistols on the buds and leaves) When the heads are starting to turn amber you are ready to chop...that is the best indicator.

Best of luck



p.s she looks fine, keep it up!!!


Active Member
As far as buds being skinny,dont worry,they will fatten up soon.I'd say you have about 3 weeks left.Dont assume your girls will always be ready by the number of weeks in flower.Check Trichs


Well-Known Member
man they look sweet to me! i'd be glad if my tree turned out like dat son. plus, i dont think its showin balls man. quit bein paranoid