Indoor Grow: Blueberry & Cream Caramel (fem)


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Hi! I have been growing for about 3 years now but this is my first Journal and attempt at DP BlueBerry and Cream Caramel. From start I got 5 DP Blueberry Feminized and 3 Cream Caramel also Feminized.

I will start posting some pics soon.

Joint me :joint: in this adventure.


Active Member
OK, I started the seeds out by sinking them for 24 hours in water and then to the paper towel. Out of the 6 seed (2 CC & 4 BB) y got 1 CC & 2 BB to germinate and grow.

I'll call Cream Caramel CC & Blueberry BB for now on, its easier. :mrgreen:

Here are some Pics. of the Blueberry after 9 days. (no pics of the CC at 9 days)

All seedlings pics were taken June 29 (33 days ago)

The ladies...

I kept them in there until July 19 when I transplanted them it 3 large Pods and move them to the grow room. More info and Pics next.

Those Pics nect


Active Member
OK, I started the seeds out by sinking them for 24 hours in water and then to the paper towel. Out of the 6 seed (2 CC & 4 BB) y got 1 CC & 2 BB to germinate and grow.

I'll call Cream Caramel CC & Blueberry BB for now on, its easier.

Here are some Pics. of the Blueberry after 9 days. (no pics of the CC at 9 days)

All seedlings pics were taken June 29 (33 days ago)


The Blueberrys

I kept them in there with 2 CFL until July 19th when I transplanted them in to 3 large Pods and move them to the grow room. More info and Pics next.

For some odd reason I don't Have Pics of the Cream Caramel seedlings but i got them at 20 days.. ill post them next.


Active Member
Some info on the Cream Caramel and the Blueberry:

Sweet Seeds Female Cream Caramel Synthetic variety (V.S) result of the crossing of several of our better East Indian BlueBlack x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino, the V.S shares with the hybrid varieties the objective to take advantage of the hybrid vigor and to contribute homogeneity to the descendants. The flavor of this variety sweet and is carameled like of treats and very intense, fruit of the cocktail molotov of you indicate that it contains, with a bottom of terrosos shades coming from the Blue genetics that takes part in the crossing. The structure of the plant is typical of the plants you indicate, ideals for the culture of indor, great bud central and multitude of lateral branches. This type of variety usually are the favourites by the consumers of cannabis medical, quimiotipos with high levels of THC and sufficient CBD to induce relax and antidepressing states for uses. Indica/Sativa: 90%-10% Prod. Indoor: 400-550 gr/m2 Prod. Outside: 350-600 gr/plant THC: 15-20%
Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks

Dutch Passion BlueBerry

1st PRIZE "High Times Cup" 2000
3rd PRIZE "High Times Cup" 2001

THC = 19.5%, CBD < 0.1%

Flowering period: 8 - 10 weeks

Blueberry is a mostly Indica (80% Indica, 20% Sativa) strain, that dates to the late 1970's. A large producer under optimum conditions. A dense and stout plant with red, purple and finally blue hues, that usually cure to a lavender blue. The finished product has a very fruity aroma and taste of blueberry. It produces a notable and pleasantly euphoric high of the highest quality and is very long lasting. Medium to large calyxes."Blueberry" has a long shelf life, stores well over a long period



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On July 19th I moved them out of the growroom and transplanted the 3 plants into lager pots. Since i only have 3 plants to work with for now, I chose very large pots to try to space out watering the plants since I had the space (for now).

The Soil is a Mix of Neutral NPK soil, peat moss, Worm castings and clay pellets.

The light is a 400wts MetalH. for the growing stage. In 1 week ill add some more CFLs.

In the room I have 1 intake fan, 1 outtake fan and 1 fan to blow at the plants and keep them moving. I also have an 5000 BTUs Air conditioner to keep the babies cool in the Hot Ecuadorian weather.

Above the plants I made a roof out of Styrofoam and covered with Mylar. I can move the roof very close to the plants to maximize light and very little light leeks off their surrounding area.

Here are some Pics.

PS. Sorry for the mediocre English, its not my first language.

Tomorrow Ill up some recent Pics from July 31st with the CFLs plugged in.

:peace: Im out.


Active Member
Ok, so here are some pics at 19 days of Vegetative State (41 days since germination). I have added several CFL with a clamp I can use to move the lights around. The lights so close to the plants is the best to keep them tight and minimizing the space between nodes. The lights are on 24hs.

The Cream Caramel...

I have added more CFLs since the Pics... I hope I don't over do it.

I'll have some more Pics latter to show you the lights setup and some pics with the plants alone, so you can admire them better.

:peace: I'm OUT


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I decided to empty it up to get some pics and reorganize cables and lights. CFLs!!

Some Pics of the Plants next.



Active Member
Here are some pics without all the lights.


OK. Now LIGHTS!! give me LIGHTS! Up Next...


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Lets get the Lights on.

First the Clamps for the CFLs: 2 x plant

All Set!

For the lights we got:

HID Metal Halide
1 MH x 400w & 39000 Initial Lumens (20.000 net)

9 x 24w = 216w & 14,400 Lumens
3 x 50w = 150w & 9,900 Lumens

Total wats= 766w & 63,300 lumens

The 24w Bulb:

3 better than 1.

CFLs Only:


Side Panel:

The rest of panels:

From inside:

Good temp & Humid.

An Outtake:

Looking in:



And that's it! Now 24hs of this and watch them grom :ganjamon:

Now grow babies grow!!.
Last edited:


Active Member
Some Pics of the nodes. The CFLs have helped on keeping a short distance between the nodes (internodes). The 1 blueberry plant that got the CFLS later than the rest have longer internodes. The other Blueberry and the CreamCaramel are well stacked.



The longer internodes are visible on the other blueberry.




Active Member
Hi, I wanted to post what I have to feed my plants and maybe get your opinion.

First and manly I try to stay with this 3 organic fertilizers:

Seaweed extract is awesome!

Some info on the Seedweed extract:
Liquid Seaweed extract is derived from fresh Ascophyllum nodosum, harvested (under strict Government regulations) from the North Atlantic coastal waters of Nova Scotia. It is a non toxic, organic storehouse of over 60, naturally occurring major and micro nutrients, carbohydrates, and 18 amino acids, vitamins and naturally occurring growth promoting substances, which enhance flower production, plant vigor and overall plant growth! Liquid Seaweed Extract compliments existing fertilizer programs and will produce exceptional results!

The other is a Biostimulant:

Some info on the Biostimulant:

And last but not least..

This is Mosquito eating Bat guano. I have 3 bats that live on my front porch, I just lay a newspaper at night and collect in the morning. The best source for organic nitrogen in my opinion. To feed the bat guano to the plants, I make tea from the guano and then water them with the tea once a week.

Some info on it:
Insect eating bats tend to produce high nitrogen guano which promotes strong plant growth. Fruit bats tend to produce high phosphorus guano which promotes budding and flowering. All guano will include trace elements and highly beneficial micro-organisms. Bat guano contains bioremediation microbes which clean up toxins and thus are great for soils transitioning from chemical to organic practices. Guano also has natural fungicidal and nematocidal properties..

Also just in case i have this as backup:

I try not to use this ones unless the plants shows an specific deficiency.

That's it. What do you think?


Active Member
Here are some Pics as of yesterday.

The Cream Caramel.

All 3:

I'm getting my closet today.. Got to work on it.



Active Member
Hi all. I'm getting close to cloning so I got a closet for my grow room to replace the old clone box I had. Here are some Pics.

This is the old box:

The new one:

LIGHTS: The Five Bulber:

24w x 4 = 96W & 6400 Lumen Output
40w x 1 = 96w & 2600 Lumen Output

I have 2 for a total of 18000 lumen output.

Lights ON:

The Basic Setup..

In the Grow Room.

The Ladies:

That's it. Ill get my clones next week.



Active Member
sweet setup the only thing I would be worried about is the electrical setup to close to the grow area water and electrical power is not a good combo! Love your blueberry bushes :D


Active Member
Some Update Pics:




I germinated 2 more seeds: 1 BB & 1 CC. I'll use them as mother further ahead. I'll put up some pics tomorrow.




Active Member
Hi guys I germinated 2 more seeds I had (backup) on August 10th. Here are some pics:

The other plants are doing fine. I'm going to take clones this weekend. Ill post some pics of that and some update on the ladies.




Active Member
Hi guys!

I'm cloning tomorrow so i wanted to post some info on the rooting hormone. I have cloned with powder before (Hormonagro #1) with great results. I like the slow release of powder. This one is a gift from a good friend, he bought it in Amsterdam. (Gracias mijo).

Didn't understand their web but found some info via Google.

The secret of Rhizopon rooting powders
The rooting powders of Rhizopon have the unique quality to supply the active ingredients in full concentration over several days to the cuttings, giving the advantage of regular and uniform roots round the base of cuttings

How to:
A pre-treatment of cuttings with a powder-based growth substance is one of the most common methods of instigating cuttings to generate roots simultaneously and uniformly. Because of its spe-cial compound, powder has a slow release effect. Many plants may show a better reaction to this slow release of active ingredient than they would do to the faster absorption from a solution.

Thin layer
When working with Rhizopon rooting powder, it is important to make sure that the powder is evenly distributed in a thin layer over the whole base of the cutting. Otherwise the cuttings might show disproportionate rooting at the spots where surplus powder has been applied. Care should be taken so that no leaves or other parts of the cuttings come into contact with the powder, as this would soften the cell walls and damage the tissue.

Powder dip
The pre-treatment of cuttings with Rhizopon pow-der is simple and easy. The bases of the cuttings, one by one or in small bundles, are dipped into the powder concentration to be used. Root formation can be expected all over the part of the cutting, that is covered with the powder. After dipping the surplus powder -should be carefully shaken off until the base of each cutting is covered with a thin and even layer of powder. With spe-cific applications e.g. powder treatment of air layers, the powder can be applied by means of a clean soft brush.

Tomorrow we clone! any recommendations before 6am please :439: Ill be Waking&baking&cloning.




Active Member
Hi guys, I spent the afternoon cloning the plants. I got 11 BB1 clones, 6 BB2 clones and 13 CC clones. Here are some Pics:

I tried this 5 CFL bulbs but it was way to hot.

So finally I went for 2 x 40w:

The essentials: :439:

The Soil:

The rooting powder:


In the Closet:

The humidity is at 90% an the temperature is 26c.

Out of all this clones I'm only gonna take the best 12 so I'll let natural selection do her job and may the stronger prevail.

Some more Pics of the seedlings and the main grow tomorrow.

