Indoor grow: Accidental dark time during vegging...should i roll with it?


As the title implies, I've had my lights on a 24/0 cycle for vegging since they were seedlings and they're coming into there 4th week now. I was planning to switch them over gradually to 18/6 for the last couple of weeks and the hours of darkness were going to be from 4pm to 10pm. The problem is i somehow sleep walked thinking it was a quarter to 4 and turned them off. It turns out this happened at around 1! I realized this 15 minutes ago n i don't know whats a good plan of action..any ideas or suggestion from you guys would be helpful

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Fix it, set the timer back to its normal routine. You are fine plants wont hermie unless they are in flower, and it takes a couple of weeks to induce a plant to start flowering. So as long as you don't keep messing with the light schedule or have the power cut off often you will be fine.

Flowering however you really need to make sure you don't mess with the lights. It's something you just don't want to do. Maybe make your area sleep walk proof? If that's even possible.. Can you unlock doors while sleep walking or even remember lock combinations? Curious.


Well-Known Member
Do 18/6 now you can thank me after... did 24/7 for yrs and i like 18/6 as it does better from experince.


Your not kidding (or maybe its in my head), but I turned on the lights after 4 hours of sleep and they looked more lush more...idk how to explain it but it seemed like my plants needed a rest and were ready for another day of growing after it :)

18/6 starting tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Your not kidding (or maybe its in my head), but I turned on the lights after 4 hours of sleep and they looked more lush more...idk how to explain it but it seemed like my plants needed a rest and were ready for another day of growing after it :)

18/6 starting tomorrow!
Just wait till You go to Flower and they get 12hrs the first 3 weeks its like there on the Roids.