If you get the message...

Not to sound like a dick but you can't see hallucinations while meditating so why don't you keep tripping and meditating? I mean I guess you have your personal reasons but still shrooms and LSD are better than meditation (IMO).

But anyways happy to hear you're happy. :)
accually there are some deep meditation techniques that can induce hallucinate theres also binarry beats and other auditory things that can induce hallucinating just a fyi...
accually there are some deep meditation techniques that can induce hallucinate theres also binarry beats and other auditory things that can induce hallucinating just a fyi...

See but you would still have to use something to hallucinate. It would be better to trip. The deep meditation techniques seem strange though, might look into that. :)
Much better. Let me tell you... If there's anything I've learned during my lifetime. If I could only pass on one piece of advice to the next generation, I would tell them to...

Drink lots and lots of water. Stay hydrated and soak up the sun. The sun is the greatest disinfectant and water is the elixir of life.
Well, you are Hephaestus aren't you? You are my husband and a skilled blacksmith. You are supposed to shower me with jewelry fit for a goddess.