I think Im having problem with Purple Widow


I curious with anyone having the same problems I think I have. I have outdoor Purple Widow plants growing but a couple of them are flowing but also having a couple balls, I thinks its either a morphadite or male. Im wondering if I should throw them out or if Purple Widow grows like that. Im curious because this is the first time growing Purple Widow, thanks if anyone helps me.


Thanks guys , Im pretty sure that they're males or morphadites too. It sucks ass but I got some others better anyway lol, thanks for the input guys.


Well-Known Member
I curious with anyone having the same problems I think I have. I have outdoor Purple Widow plants growing but a couple of them are flowing but also having a couple balls, I thinks its either a morphadite or male. Im wondering if I should throw them out or if Purple Widow grows like that. Im curious because this is the first time growing Purple Widow, thanks if anyone helps me.
I have tried multiple time to grow this strain (De Sjamaan PW)..I was doing it indoors tho..Very finicky strain, and started flowering in 2 weeks from seed under 24/0 lights LoL.. Thought maybe because of doing an outdoor strain indoors.. Never had a herm one, be my share of males..One had distinct balls a lil over two weeks in...Here's a pic of a successful one.. Was almost all sativa so I ended up wrapping it like a wreath till it stopped growing..(vegged for a month) <------last two weeks of veg, she was stretching and getting nice flowers..And still under 24/0 light..Havent figured out this kind yet, as It is a strange strain to me.. Ironic, ..I started a couple more the other day..How old are yours? Have a pic, or can you take one? Had one that looked like it was going to have balls, but ended up a kinda cluster of calyx's. Let us know if your able to grow a girl outta these.. Not as much info out there and pics, as with many other kinds..Good luck!!

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