I need the Ultimate Sexing Guide..


Well-Known Member
ok, after starting to tinker in growing indoors again after many years i am having some serious problems determining sex of the few plants i have...

i checked the GROWFAQ but it didn't help with the plants i am looking at at all...

i am a little sketched out about posting pics on here now because i can't erase my picture data so i need the "end all be all" guide to positively sexing your plants.

i see all these little things at the nodes that look just like they would be pollen sacs, but they don't seem to look like any i have seen in pictures. they don't look like they are gonna turn into those banana looking things so i continue to wonder endlessly looking for any sign of a white hair. i actually picked a white eyelash (from my dog) from between one little pod cluster... i really thought i had a female there...

i have been flowering for 9 days. i would love to see tons of sexed plant pics here. no matter what they look like, just something that others can go off of

can you guys help?


Well-Known Member

post some pics, and people here will be happy to sex em for you, you better sex em fast before they pollinate though


Well-Known Member
The best thing I can say is that it will become obvious, be patient and in time you will know. If it's the first time you will think it is hard but when the plant is old enough you will be smart enough to figure it out. It isn't hard you are just trying to sex it too soon.


Well-Known Member
they all seem to look like this.. its been a while , but they look like males to me, could it possibly be a female? be easy on me if i come off like a dumb ass :weed:


Well-Known Member
ok i thought it was a male. sad thing is that out of 11 seeds it looks like i may not have any females... i am bummed about that. thats why i was wondering if they were hermies or what. i don't know shit :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thats hard to believe man. let them grow just to see what will happen i think you might be surprised. and if not them kill the bastards! if there all males.. the pollen sacks wont open for a while.


Well-Known Member
wow 11/11 males would be about a .048% probability.. Sure your grow conditions aren't affecting it?


Well-Known Member
i have 6 left out of them and one looks like it will be a male, and the smaller ones are seriously stretched because the males were hogging up all the hps light...

so there are still hopes for 5 of them possibly being female. i may have screwed things up in the beginning by dripping water directly on the rockwool for a couple weeks before i realized that would drown the roots... it was a learning lesson that i won't forget..