i need a good ventilation ideea

  • ok, so i have an 8x4ft tent in a bedroom with 3x600W hps lights and cooltubes, i am cooling the three cooltubes with a 35.000 cubic feet centrifugal extractor, and the tent with a 10.000 cubic feet extractor fitted with carbon scrubber.
  • the air from the extractor fan goes into the room, the air from the room is pulled by the big extractor and most of it is pushed out.

well here is my problem i live in a rented house so i want to make as little adjustment to the room as possible, and i have a single window that i can open, and no other way of venting the room, so i have to both pull fresh air from that window and push the hot moist air out, this grow already went over budget and i literally have no money, so i need a solution that sounds impossible to give. now i just have my big fan outake pointed towards the folding of window and another small extractor that pulls air from the other side of the window.

the tent is now full and all lights are running i am having good temps for now but for when the weather gets better i`m really worried.
i would start making holes in the walls if i had planned to stay a longer time but in this case it is a hit and run operation, so everything i break or modify i have to repair when the plants are done.
also the setup on the window must absolutely not be visible from outside(no flapping no visible ducting etc).
i will take some pictures with my phone and post them soon.


Well-Known Member
does the window have a screen?

heres my thoughts....

use science as your weapon..

pull air from the floor of the room, through the cool tubes and out the window....

displacement will take effect, make sure the window is open enough so that any air going out is replaced by fresh air from the window (sealing the room is going to be necessary, closing the door will work fine)

whats going to happen. When you push air out the window it will create negative pressure in the room, air will come in from somewhere, if you make it easy for the air to come in from the window thats where it will come from.

does this make sense?

you may have to rig up the exaust fan to be stealth somehow but thats not impossible and should be relativly simple with some good ole inginuity.


Well-Known Member
Window exhaust box...glue/screw it to the wall over the window.Draw air in on the lower half,exhaust hot air the upper half opposite side of the fresh air intake.Another thing you can try (if you're not using the central a/c or heat,you can exhaust into the vent in that room,spreading the heat from the exhaust throughout the house.

35cfm to cool 3x 600w HPS's sounds awfully low...a good 6" 440cfm to 8" 747cfm fan would be ideal.For ventilation I'd use a 6" 440cfm inline centrifugal connected to a carbon filter.
@Anotherlover extracting into my house would be a bad idea i would have to drill a large hole into my door or in a wall or something like that, it would be great for winter heating bills though :))
@Mathebrute my problem is i don`t know how to make the exhaust sealed and stealthy.
I guess if i would properly seal the exhaust to push air in the upper part of the window

this is the CT intake and the fresh air intake in the tent, the ducting is right behind the window frame and all the houses in the area are 1 floor houses
CTintake.jpgwindow intake.jpg
this is the tent outtake exctractor and window outake
outake1.jpgextractor.jpgwindow outake.jpg

P.S : how is the privacy policy on this forum i would love to share pics with my girls
edit: @cracker2 35.000 cfm 1000 times more than 35, as for the window exhaust box that is very hard to do and a litle costly i would need something to screen the windows with first and i am looking for something to screen my windows with for like 2 years
also i use tents and i don`t have any light leakage problems i just don`t want to stick aluminium ducting over the folding of the window wich would be pretty visible from street level i want to find an ingenious way to push the air out without blocking the whole window with a big piece of wood
the bedroom is on the second floor of the building and i have no other ventilation holes in the room only the window, the stealth window ventilation sounds good but i would rather build something to seal the outtake in the folding of the window some device that would be round on one side than goes right in the folding but i realy need some advice on how to do that or some threads like the stealth window ventilation, if i would get some blinds for the window i could just steady the ducting up there and i guess it would be ok, but i never found those kind of blinds even in huge hardware stores
this has always been a complicated problem for me, at my last house i had two small windows on each side of the tent and it was a delight i just sealed the window with a curtain inserted ducting behind the curtain at a 90 degree angle with the window, just like in my current setup and everything was perfect, the other window i had another extractor fan that was pushing air inside the grow tents, but sadly that location was broken into (by my "friends"), all my equipment and weed got stolen and i had to move away.
still noone replied about the privacy policy, does this website give your IP adress to third parties on request?
  • ok, so i have an 8x4ft tent in a bedroom with 3x600W hps lights and cooltubes, i am cooling the three cooltubes with a 35.000 cubic feet centrifugal extractor, and the tent with a 10.000 cubic feet extractor fitted with carbon scrubber.
  • the air from the extractor fan goes into the room, the air from the room is pulled by the big extractor and most of it is pushed out.

well here is my problem i live in a rented house so i want to make as little adjustment to the room as possible, and i have a single window that i can open, and no other way of venting the room, so i have to both pull fresh air from that window and push the hot moist air out, this grow already went over budget and i literally have no money, so i need a solution that sounds impossible to give. now i just have my big fan outake pointed towards the folding of window and another small extractor that pulls air from the other side of the window.

the tent is now full and all lights are running i am having good temps for now but for when the weather gets better i`m really worried.
i would start making holes in the walls if i had planned to stay a longer time but in this case it is a hit and run operation, so everything i break or modify i have to repair when the plants are done.
also the setup on the window must absolutely not be visible from outside(no flapping no visible ducting etc).
i will take some pictures with my phone and post them soon.
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