I got the 2 tall jones...


Active Member
Well, at least not yet, but writing this in preperation - never grown anything before, and curious to know what tips and techniques can be used to prevent my plants from being too obvious - I've heard of bending, maybe? What is that? Or should I clip them (which I don't think I should do)? ANy advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
you can tie on just below a node and bend the plant over. pull it down 45 degrees or so first, then give a day or two. pull it down further and tie on every few nodes from then on. once you get into the first couple weeks of flowering just let the cola go ahead and grow itself up.

makes the plants really blend in.



Active Member
Thanks man - I've never really grown before, and I live out in the country, but I'm a little apprehensive. So that info really helps - is there a height I should wait that it reaches before I start bending it?


Well-Known Member
depends on what kind of plant you have and how short you want it. some get really tall and some stay short.

i'd wait till you have at least 6-8 nodes, then tie to the 6th and work your way down. keep up with the new growth by adding new ties every 3-6 nodes.



Well-Known Member
That's the thing about growing marijuana, no matter what you do it's hard to camoflauge it. The best way I've found is to immerse it in a sticker bush. Most people won't travel inside a sticker bush, so I brave the stickers and get it deep inside a large patch. I carry a pair of of those trimming shears for trees/bushes, get inside and make an opening.


Active Member
I kinda live outside of town surrounded by about 8 acres - there's a road about 500 feet away, but nobody travels onto my property - I was just going to stick it in my garden around tomato plants, and bend and camoflauge as necessary - is this a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
That's the thing about growing marijuana, no matter what you do it's hard to camoflauge it. The best way I've found is to immerse it in a sticker bush. Most people won't travel inside a sticker bush, so I brave the stickers and get it deep inside a large patch. I carry a pair of of those trimming shears for trees/bushes, get inside and make an opening.

this is how its done, just make sure your mj plant is the dominant plant in the area, so other plants will camo it but not compete with it.


Well-Known Member
I kinda live outside of town surrounded by about 8 acres - there's a road about 500 feet away, but nobody travels onto my property - I was just going to stick it in my garden around tomato plants, and bend and camoflauge as necessary - is this a bad idea?

Not a bad idea. I have also heard of people twisting artificial flowers from the stalk to disguise the plant. ??

Best luck! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i read about a grower in canada who grows some bushy indica amongst his tomatoes. says no one ever notices, even close neighbors.



Well-Known Member
not that i no much ... but what if you just let it go ... as long as you have enough diff types of tomato plants for it to blend in with. wouldnt it just look like another tomato plant?


Active Member
Yeah, I think so - and it's not like there's a ton of aerial surveillance that I see or anything - so I think I'll be okay. But the fake flowers/tomatoes idea is interesting. I'll have to see how "awkward" it really looks.