hydrogen peroxide ???


Well-Known Member
hi y'all, if i put hydrogen peroxide in my soil will it kill the nightcrawlers i put in the pot to help keep the dirt loose? how about flushing?


Active Member
Why you got worms in your container I don't know... I wouldn't do this. I would use those worms to start a vermiculture. You could use fruit and vegetable and even newspaper as feed for your worms. You can find instructions how to do it online, and the castings are great as a soil ammendment! Then use around 1/3 perlite for drainage (NOT WORMS) in your mix, some dolomite lime, and peat moss and your good to go.

Hydrogen peroxide is no good it kills beneficial bacteria. Flushing probably will kill your worms too.


Well-Known Member
i've seen countless sites that advocate both peroxide and worms....just cant find one with them together

Thats because Hydrogen Peroxide is for Chemical Grow ops to keep the media sterile.

And worms are for Organic Grows to keep the soil aerated and break down the organics promoting the Microherd growth.

You never mix your Chemical and Organic Techniques

They are not compatible.

For instance, if you use H2O2 in an organic grow you just murdered your microherd.

And if you use worms in a chemical grow.... Well it may help with aeration of the media, but you get no benefit from the worm poop because the microherd is killed by your chemical fertz.

Its kinda like people who use molasses in a chemical grow. They only get a small part of the benefit. They can use some of the dissolved nute solids but the sugar does nothing for the microherd because they dont have one.

Those kind of people dont understand that, they just think that molasses makes their buds "sweet" lol