hydro systems


I am looking to get a hydroponic system to replace my DWC buckets. The reason I am looking to replace my DWC buckets is to help my res temps drop and daily maintenance down to one reservoir for my flower room. I flower in a 4'x8'x7' tent my temps and in the high 70s- low 80's with humidity between 55 and 60%, I will be getting a dehumidifier very soon to drop the humidity down a little. Im looking for any and all suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Check out amazon today they have looks like a good sale!
4-5gl buckets with everything tied together,check it out I
just glanced.


Well-Known Member
i suggest you check out the superstoner1 threads. i have used that system for a long time now with excellent results. ive never used it in a tent, but it could be modified to work/fit in a smaller space. you may need to step up your a/c if you want to run hydro in a tent though. or consider a water chiller if you end up going with a single reservoir system.


Well-Known Member
Reservoir outside the tent if you can do it. To keep res temps down. I would suggest flood and drain. Easy, simple and can get just as good results as any other system.


20150708_153819.jpg 20150323_143939.jpg These are just some random grow pics I have had over the last year I had on my phone last pic the plants go so big they filled my damn tent to the top and bent over ..... sad grow should have flipped earlyer but the clones I got from my local shop here in wa miss labeled them instead of mostly indica it was a hybrid about 80 sativa


Thank you for all the useful help I was thinking modular ebb and flood system like the flo n gro with the rest outside the tent and a chiller just to make sure my temps are on point but I will look into the rdwc and superstoner1's thread