Human Fertilizer (Yup that's right)


Just heard this story yesterday, that I had to share... It had me rollin hard and I wasn't even high. I personally dont beleive it but in the back of my mind it had me wouldering.

Spoke with a person who has been growing for about 20+ years hes in his late 40's. We got into talking about how to get the best bud to grow. I told him what I was using and once I got to
the fertilizer part (I am currently using Miricle Grow Organic, which is working great for me). He told me about a way that he uses and swears by it, that it produces the best bud he ever made.
In his words:
You start by flusing out your system (yes you) with lots of water and some sort of over the counter detox system. Once your done with the flush you eat nothing but vegitables and oats for two days.
On your second day when you take a S**t (yes you can laugh now) not in the toilet but somewhere where you can scoop it up to use. Let it dry for a few weeks or so.
Once its dry and ready, you mix it with your current furt and the rest is history...

Not planning on trying this myself but if anyone does let me know if it works...


Well-Known Member
dude, there are sooo many ideas out there. although this isnt the prettiest, i bet this dino is right! cheap healthy ass buds he is growing! haa, and he is staying healthy too ..


Well-Known Member
The risks far outweigh the reward, your system can be clean, but still the human body contains many microorganisms that are just not meant to be messed with.

If there were benefits to it, there would already be someone making a profit from it, but there is not for a reason.

I say place this idea as far from your mind as you can and stick with premade, organic or compost piles.

It simply cannot be made safe and is a fools game at best.




Active Member
Um basically what you're doing to letting your body's enzymes break down the material you eat into nutrients small enough for the plants roots to absorb.
You flush your system (unless already a vegetarian) because the meats in your poop are no good for plants...

However!!!!! There is another more productive and much less disgusting way to do this. Even Beneficial:
Get yourself some mycorrhizal fungi such as mushrooms that live off dead matter. NOT LIVING MATTER.
Add solid organic matter to your soil, let the mushroom break down the material in the same way your stomach does and supply your plants with grade A natural nutes.
If the fungi you picked is edible like: psilocybin, toadstool *Muscimol*, or a medicinal mushroom like turkey tail, then you can eat them too!

Plants and musrooms live symbiotically and help each other, without fungi ALL plants on land would die.


Well-Known Member
This is a really bad idea. Disease can be spread by putting human waste on your crops. Even animal waste should be fully composted before use. E. Coli, just to give one familiar example, can be spread by using animal or human waste that is not fully composted.


Active Member
Throw mushrooms in your compost too! It will decompose 5 times faster. Instead of waiting years to have ready soil from a compost, you can make it in 3-4 months! :D

They can actually be used to naturally clean up hazardous chemical and oil spills.


Well-Known Member
On the farm in Iowa, we spread several thousand gallons of cow manure on the fields every spring.


Active Member
As many farms in North America do... That or pig shit... Which smell just awful! At least cow you can get used to...


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah hog shit is the worst smell ever, at least cow shit mostly smells like grass. There's a giant hog confinement facility a few miles away that reeks so bad when the wind is just right...


Well-Known Member
i am currently growing 2 feminized scoopy doo-doo autoflowers ...they smell like a lalapallooza porta party on day 3 :)


Well-Known Member
With as many ready made products as there are, it seems nothing more than plain foolery to use something that could infect you or your family, just plain stupid, nothing more

Peace and leave the fecal matter the hell alone idiots.
