How To On Torrents

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Just a little how to on downloading movies, music applications or just whatever anyone is sharing on the world wide web.

I just want to share what works for me and how I can get you started.

Avoid ISP trackers, and enjoy your content virus free.

Simply put you need Three things:
1) The downloading software
2) The place to get them
3) The anti-tracking software

ok to be safe we'll say four
4) AVG antivirus software ( you should have this already)

To get started I ll talk about the easy navigating program I use called Utorrent

This is the p2p program you need to get started, which in short is peer to peer sharing.

Here's the long:

BitTorrent (often abbreviated as BT) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol (a description and set of rules on how to do things) created by Bram Cohen, designed to distribute data in such a way that the original distributor would be able to decrease bandwidth usage while still being able to reach at least the same amount of people. Cohen's idea was to "break" the file being transferred into smaller segments called pieces. To save bandwidth, each person downloading (more commonly referred to as peers in the BitTorrent community) would have the pieces that they acquired available for upload to other peers in the swarmseed is basically a peer with every piece, so when a peer successfully attains all data in the torrent contents, that peer becomes a seed as well. (the entire network of people connected to a single torrent). In this way, much of the load of sharing the file to every peer interested in it is offloaded to the peers. Note that a
While on the surface, it appears that the only way to maintain a swarm's health is for there to always be a seed connected to the swarm, that is not the case. The most important factor to determining whether a swarm can continue to allow peers to complete a torrent is the availability. The availability of a torrent is the number of complete copies of the torrent contents there are distributed in the part of the swarm you're connected to, including yourself. In most cases, if there is an availability of 1.0 or greater, then even if one single person does not have all the pieces, they are all still distributed across the entire swarm and can be acquired to form the complete file.
In order for everyone to be able to locate one another, there needs to be some centralized location that peers could connect to in order to obtain the other peers' IP addresses. BitTorrent trackers serve as this centralized location. In the most basic explanation, for each given swarm, a tracker only needs to collect a peer's IP address and port number to share with other peers connecting to that same swarm.
Because of the very nature of BitTorrent, speeds are not guaranteed for any given torrent swarm. While you may get great speeds in one swarm, you might not in another. This is due to the fact that BitTorrent is a P2P protocol, so it depends on the upload speeds of the other peers you are connected to to generate your download speeds. A common misconception held by many people is that torrent swarms that contain more seeds and peers are faster than those with less. This is not always the case. There can be a swarm with only a few seeds and/or peers on fast Internet connections, and you'll be able to get great speeds from them, while a swarm with many more seeds and/or peers might contain mostly people with slow, dial-up Internet connections, will get you terrible speeds from them. In the same vein, connecting to more seeds and/or peers does not equate to greater speeds, and seeds don't necessarily give better speeds than normal peers.

Once you have finished installation the custom settings should be suffice. If you have issues once your up and running check the faqs

OK now here's the fun part, so now you have a p2p program lets download something cool.

For years I only search one place. It has been the most reliable scene:

ok so what are we looking for, well for the sake of RIU
we'll try a grow video.

in the search bar type Jorge Cervantes.
On this page you will see what is available.
Broken down by:
Category, Age, tags/name, Size, S(seed) &
L(leech) thats you.

Now why I love this place are the + or negative comments by the torrent.

These are your fellow brethren who will tell you whether this file is great, fake, or a waste of time.
These comments will also save you from downloading viruses. Say for example The next blockbuster is due for release next summer and you stumble upon this great find with no comments or - feedback, Probably best not to grab that one.

Back to Jorge so you found a positive video you want, well click to open the summary page. This usually tells you what you are about to download including stuff like file size and jazz.
Well now you chose to download torrent.

Your Utorrent program will open and confirm all the download info and hit Ok

Depending on how many seeders are contributing just sit back and wait.

Now that you have completed the download what is
Upspeed? well thats the Puff Puff pass of the cyber world. when you have uploaded your share it will automatically stop.

Alright a great Program to watch your new video is VLC media player
search for vlc this is free shareware.

**if you download a torrent video and it doesnt play on the vlc player, its fake or something aint right period.

Ok want to find out how this can be fun? Lets watch your new free video on the big tv.

You now need a good dvd converter program.
Hmmm I bet isohunt has a good one.
Search for ConvertX .
Once you have it convert your video to dvd and burn to disk. Viola

Ok now lastly Ill talk about security.
To keep your isp from sniffing around and monitoring your bandwidth you need:

PeerGuardian 2 is Phoenix Labs’ premier IP blocker for Windows. PeerGuardian 2 integrates support for multiple lists, list editing, automatic updates, and blocking all of IPv4 (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc), making it the safest and easiest way to protect your privacy on P2P.

And I always have AVG running in the background for virus security, also found at
If you want to feel better you can scan your finished downloads before you open them.

This should get you started, please feel free to post any questions or comments and dont forget to SeeeeD!



Well-Known Member
Hey Joe, what settings do you use for peerguardian2? I tried using it but just seems to slow downloads down to a halt as well as using a hell of a lot of ram.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Hey Joe, what settings do you use for peerguardian2? I tried using it but just seems to slow downloads down to a halt as well as using a hell of a lot of ram.
That does seem to be the downside. I only activate during p2p activity otherwise it really drains ram if its in the background.
The best advise I have it set up your downloads on Que or schedule your downloads.

Say for example I want some movies or whatever. I download say 5 or six torrents and schedule when Im not on like 2:00 in morning till 2:00 in the afternoon. Kinda like when my girls are sleeping:sleep:
That way if its a little slow it wont matter cause I download on 12 hour intervals when Im not on.

One more thing too is I dont use it everytime say older torrents. now Axxo or screeners you better they keep an eye on those


Well-Known Member
i think i'll just carry on without it for now, no knocks on my door so far. I think it's extremely rare to get busted for it in the uk anyway so i think i'll be fine


Well-Known Member
How to cheat private trackers:
Start your download throttled to 1 kB/s. Let a swarm build for a few minutes. Edit the tracker URL by one character rendering it invalid and remove throttle. Your swarm will likely vanish now... or does it? Wait about 5 minutes, they'll reconnect! And you, your bandwidth, etc. aren't tracked by the private tracker anymore, so everything you download doesn't get added to the ratio on the site. You can then seed what you download after it completes to gain good ratio(change the tracker URL back to the valid original).


If anyone asks, you started to download it, recalled that you already HAD, and decided to seed it. kiss-ass

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
axxo is mediocre.
i love h.264 .mkv at 720p. iNFAMOUS>axxo
best codec pack is CCCP...

Mediocre in what?

you may have to give a little up ( quality) only for the simple fact that they are not bluray.
But all his films look great on a disk.
I like the fact that all his file sizes can be compressed into a vcd if you want.

INFAMOUS films are great as well.
But I dont have the room to turn around 4+ gig disks like I can Axxo, pukka, FXG, Duqa or Kingben


Well-Known Member
Seriously guys Torrents are illegal. I really think you guys should stop talking about this. It will bring a bad name to this site.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
I used to use torrents, but now switched to news groups much faster no need to seed just grab what you want/need, max out your connection!


Well-Known Member
^^ use rapidshare.

Rapidshare me 408 albums in less than a month, all higher-than-cd-you-can-buy-in-store quality, biotch.

Also get my HD copies of movies I can play without a stupid;y expensive disk player, I dare you. You can't...


Well-Known Member
Rapidshare me 408 albums in less than a month, all higher-than-cd-you-can-buy-in-store quality, biotch.

Also get my HD copies of movies I can play without a stupid;y expensive disk player, I dare you. You can't...

^^ did u know that if you brought the rapidshare before august last year you'd still have the daily 12 gb download capacity like myself :)

bongsmilie:eyesmoke: so yeah.....


i hope u still got yours from way back, cuz if u buy new u will have to be cautius u dont over your limit :) hehe.......

At last 1 person that agrees that rapidshare is the best, if u dont use it... your pretty much behind man.. and I dont care if ya in some group or shit like that, groups upload to rapidshare.. thats the way they earn there bucks.... :bigjoint: by reselling acc.

anyways. cheers


Well-Known Member
Seriously guys Torrents are illegal. I really think you guys should stop talking about this. It will bring a bad name to this site.
I've downloaded countless legal torrents.

The Internet can be used to discuss illegal activities and even *gasp* commit copyright infringement.

Log off now!!! Somebody think of the children! :eyesmoke: