How the fuck do I clean a pipe


Well-Known Member
hold the screens with a pair of pliers, and burn the resin off with a lighter. Eventually it will just turn to carbon, and come off pretty easily.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Def just use some rubbing alcohol in a zip lock. Shake. Salt is just there to act as something jagged in the alcohol to help remove resin. Either way, with or without salt, you should be good. Just rinse thouroughly when you're done.
I've never tried simple green, but may be worth a shot.

I use Rubbing alcohol and kosher salt - in a zip-lock like above. Let it soak, then shake like hell, and repeat. If you can pack the pipe with salt and use a toothpick or something to turn the abrasive salt, it works pretty well to remove even the toughest rez


I dunno if anyone mentioned this, i skipped page 2, but I'm surprised it wasn't one of the first things mentioned. I used to use 420 cleaner, which is pretty much isopropyl alcohol and salt on steroids, but now i enjoy using the BLUE BOTTLE of grunge off.... the orange bottle is their version of 420 cleaner, but the blue is just pretty much a soap... i have no clue how it works, but I've never seen a piece get 100% clean faster using anything else, i swear by it now....


Well-Known Member
it's a metal pipe. I'm guessing that it probably has a little plastic piece on it. You can usually take that off. Boil it, and get some pipe cleaners.


Well-Known Member
it's a metal pipe. I'm guessing that it probably has a little plastic piece on it. You can usually take that off. Boil it, and get some pipe cleaners.

I have never seen alcohol do anything to residue, grease cutter is what you need. have you ever washed off car grease with alcohol? no

go with the simple green and just soak it, the residue will melt in a degreaser, alcohol does nothing and never use it on acrylic it will damage the plastic.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen alcohol do anything to residue, grease cutter is what you need. have you ever washed off car grease with alcohol? no

go with the simple green and just soak it, the residue will melt in a degreaser, alcohol does nothing and never use it on acrylic it will damage the plastic.
how much is the grunge off now? back in the day it was so overpriced it was cheaper to buy another bong. its a simple degreaser is all it is, there is nothing to specially design to cut grease. Simple green at home depot is 10 dollars a gallon and has many other uses


Well-Known Member
I have never seen alcohol do anything to residue, grease cutter is what you need. have you ever washed off car grease with alcohol? no

go with the simple green and just soak it, the residue will melt in a degreaser, alcohol does nothing and never use it on acrylic it will damage the plastic.
Yea, soaking it works too. I've soaked glass pipes in 409 over night and everything comes out. It's not advanced chemistry.


Well-Known Member
how much is the grunge off now? back in the day it was so overpriced it was cheaper to buy another bong. its a simple degreaser is all it is, there is nothing to specially design to cut grease. Simple green at home depot is 10 dollars a gallon and has many other uses

I take it the salt is just to knock the residue around? be careful when you light up and make sure the alcohol is evaped lol. Simple green is cheap, give it a try I was amazed how well and fast it does my clear bongs. no need to scrape anything and mess up my pretty tokemaster


Well-Known Member
I let my pipe sit in an empty coffee cup filled with 91% rubbing alcohol overnight. Then in the morning I use q-tips to clean it up and then let it dry. As good as brand new. 91% alcohol is cheap at walmart, walgreens, etc.


Well-Known Member
I have used OxyClean for years, with great results. Boil a coffee cup of water in the microwave, have some oxyclean powder ready in a disposable plastic drinking cup, add pipe and boiling water to plastic cup, stir and let set for about 5 minutes and rinse. I don't scrub or shake at all, just wait. Nice and clean. For a really crudded up piece with old dry resin a second soaking is sometimes necessary, but not that often.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't smoke out of a metal pipe.

Alcohol and a cotton swab / pipe cleaner and 5 minutes.

Dip the pipe cleaner in alcohol.
Stick pipe cleaner in pipe and work inside and out.
grab another pipe cleaner and repeat till clean.
Then rinse with hot water and blow excess water out of pipe (alcohol fumes are strong and the smell will linger if not rinsed).
take a cotton swab and dry the inside of the pipe.



Well-Known Member
throw it away!
metal is gross and you will regret it later!
i used metal all through my youth can tell you firsthand that it fucks up your lungs and throat due to the heat.
get some cheap glass!


Active Member
Put it in a ziplock bag, add rubbing alcohol and then a couple tbsp of epsom salt - shake, shake, shake. Not sure what the chemical reaction is called, but it will clean out pipes or vap whips very well.
theres no chemical reaction, its just that salt is an abbrasive, like sand paper, rubbing alcohol in the solvent, and the salt helps scrape it away..
nothing special.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their favorite method. Mine, as mentioned several times in this thread, is rubbing alcohol and salt. Resin is alcohol and lipid soluble, not water soluble. Boiling in water only loosens the resin slightly while rubbing alcohol completely and effortlessly dissolves it. I use it both on my bong and my metal grinder. It works equally as well on both.
Good luck! :peace: