How much of an odor am i going to get of ONE(1) plant?


I'm on the verge of buying my first little closet system for a single plant, my question is with me living in a single room flate style apt. will odor be a concern? or will simple candles or air fresheners do the trick? It will be in a 3 or 4 feet deep walk in closet plunty of hight about the same width. Please don't answer unless you have first hand experience, i'm going to trust your responses and ive done allot of research on growing with CFL's "which is what i'm going to use" ive watched videos, im bursting with marijuana knowledge except the knowledge that actually is envoled in the physical act of growing, which i don't want to be talked out of it lol. If this question is answered i may have another.


Well-Known Member
Air freshener is a no no in your grow area or anywhere near.And it depends on strain but odor will more than likely be a prob, generally more in late flowering.You can make a carbon filter really cheap.


Damn i just posted ... you guys are good. I don't care if my apt smells like it, i only let the girlfriend into my place, hell even my parents know.... i just don't want my neighbors to know. My door to the hallway is pretty heavy and seems more air tight then others (meaning when i open my door i can deff feel my self pullin air. What do you think? Getting busted for one plant won't be cool haha.


Well-Known Member
Nah and you can make a carbon filter for like 8 bucks so it's nothing to make to ensure your self being


Nah and you can make a carbon filter for like 8 bucks so it's nothing to make to ensure your self being
So whats involved with making one and since its in a walk in closet how does it work? Ahds thanks for the advice, i don't personaly know anyone who grows so first hand experiences really help.


Well-Known Member
You need activated carbon 6-7 dollars from wal-mart,petco,or petsmart,nylon pantyhose $1 (cheapest you can find at wal mart).You simply cut a hole in the top and the bottom wrap it tight with the nylon some aluminum tape to hold everthing in place and bam shitty lookin carbon filter that works great especially for 1 plant.You need a fan of some sort I use inline fans,but for 1 plant grow you can use a cpu fan.Some 4 inch ducting and your good to go.




Active Member
Depending on the size of the plant and the strain of the plant odor may not be as bad as you would think. There are a lot of variables to it. If you smoke all day in your flat then you will not really tell much of a difference. I will agree that you should make a diy carbon filter. It works for me. I went real lazy though and bought the replacemnt flat filter from walmart, and wrapped it around chicken wire with come 6" ducting adapters. So far though no smell what so ever. I replace it about every two months, and the new filter cost about $10


Active Member
I've got a single plant 15 days into flower in a closet setup, sounds a lot like what you're planning. My closet isn't particularly airtight, and I don't have a carbon filter at all. The room doesn't smell in the least. Since this one's a bagseed grow, I presume I really lucked up that it's not a strong-scented strain. I'll have to see how it goes as I get further into flower, but I'd say it should be very manageable for you.

TheFaux, is Northern Lights a good one for not giving off too much scent? I know it's a damn good strain, potent and easy to grow, so if it's also not particularly reeky that might be a perfect strain for my setup.


New Member
TheFaux, is Northern Lights a good one for not giving off too much scent? I know it's a damn good strain, potent and easy to grow, so if it's also not particularly reeky that might be a perfect strain for my setup.
Exactly :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I can second northern lights, just harvested a nl#5. Didn't use a bit of odor control, odor was just too low. Had my carbon filter all ready, just couldn't see using it. The strongest odor was at the end of vegging, and that was minimal. As it flowered, the smell went down. Rub it though, and you smell it.
For the OP, carbon filter beats trying to mask the odor. Strong odors may mask the scent of weed, but that may still attract a bit of interest. Especially if it appears suddenly where it wasn't around before.


The seeds i bought from seed central are 25 of bubbliouses ( i spelled that wrong haha) and 10 white widow. I bought in bulk :-) So does anyone one know about these for scent? So to quickly just lay out what i have i just ordered STEALTH HYDROPONICS DWC Bucketeer. I tried to show a pic but it wouldn't let me, after this i'll start an album labeled "my mayden voyage" And i'll start added pics of what my set up will be if anyone wants to see. Anywho so as far as that filter you mentioned ducting am i cutting a hole im my closet door? I had planned to coat the closet in aluminium foil and leave the door open during the light hours for ventilation and keep what little heat CFL's give under any red line, plus humidity. I live in the city so pollen and bugs from nature are few and far between, but i still plan on showering before i enter the room itself, ive soap vacuumed my carpets and even washed my walls with bleach water. I'm trying to cover my basics... Then seting up a rabbit feeder to drop vinger in a bowl of bakeing soada while closet is closed at night hours (to enrich the area with CO2) The closet only has one door for ventilation so what would you do then for odor? Also fans i have two, one window sized one that i plan to set at the door during light hours to pull air out of the room and one smaller ocolating one on the plant itself at all times, how does this sound too?


Well-Known Member
with the bubbliscious, you're going to need major odor control
starting fiddling with your carbon filters, going to take a little time to work out the kinks


Maybe i should sell my seeds and get northern lights. Im just not understanding how to apply this filter to MY setup ya know and better safe then sorry i guess. But if anyone wants to dumb it up for me great. lol


Well-Known Member
you don't have to dump your seed, here's why
you need to vent in any event, that means fans and vent tube of some kind
the only thing with odor control, is you put the carbon filter at the outlet of the fan and into tube/pipe
there are some DIY plans for carbon filters here, cheap to build, the pencil cup carbon filter is best
only thing that changes is the fan will have to be a bit stronger to push through the filter


Ok i have no vent area just a door so do i need to cut a hole out in my door which isn't out of the question ( i have to replace one anyways, Girlfriends... better to hit a door right haha) So tell me what you'd do in the situation?


WAIT i think i might get it. So the door shuts then i have a strong fan just be in the room period with this filter on the front of it? How often do i change the filter, as needed i guess?


Well-Known Member
When the lights are on and you are going to add CO2 leave the door closed and just blow it around in the closet. If the door is open with a fan blowing you will be wasting the CO2.


Well-Known Member
WAIT i think i might get it. So the door shuts then i have a strong fan just be in the room period with this filter on the front of it? How often do i change the filter, as needed i guess?
yeah, you'll begin to get a bit more odor as filter 'fills up'